- 1st
- 12:00 am (no subject) - 4 comments
- 02:12 am User profile, halfway done with today's already
- 02:30 am Heh. Just when I thought I was done... - 4 comments
- 02:36 am A numbers game
- 01:28 pm Working hard, or hardly working?
- 01:55 pm Massive Embarrassments - 12 comments
- 2nd
- 12:24 am Work - 2 comments
- 12:35 am Four Years
- 12:45 am And in the first 24 hours.... - 2 comments
- 10:40 am Tuesday Morning Errands - 1 comment
- 02:22 pm Work vs. Election
- 3rd
- 02:40 am Election Stress
- 02:13 pm *looks at BBC* - 2 comments
- 04:28 pm Childhood Friends
- 08:49 pm Heavy fuel - 1 comment
- 10:30 pm Blocking
- 4th
- 01:11 am Progress - 4 comments
- 04:00 am Personal irresponsibility is alive and well.
- 04:28 am I'm selfish enough to want to keep most of the creative process in my own space. - 3 comments
- 04:31 am I'm literate, how about you? - 1 comment
- 04:56 am "It's just that the time was wrong."
- 11:50 pm When new characters attack - 1 comment
- 5th
- 03:32 am Curiousity probably started a flamewar. - 2 comments
- 04:29 am Writing group night: word count, employment, musings on boundaries of the sacred, and social bits. - 2 comments
- 02:08 pm Political Visibility: getting out from undercover. - 15 comments
- 6th
- 12:35 am (no subject)
- 01:08 am Under the Radar: McCarthy - 1 comment
- 03:17 am My anonymous haiku - 2 comments
- 10:29 pm Work, day, things - 2 comments
- 7th
- 12:59 am Word count and novel progress
- 01:23 am When I have money, a replacement.
- 09:02 pm Hooray, yet again, for bondmates. - 7 comments
- 8th
- 12:50 am Ow, my socks. - 8 comments
- 01:06 am Novel update
- 04:46 am Beauty within
- 02:18 pm Carpet, and denizens thereof
- 9th
- 01:17 am Unique Phone Moments - 2 comments
- 02:37 am Desert-change - 5 comments
- 11:23 pm Bandwagon: from MoveOn.org, the No Iraq Draft online petion thinger - 2 comments
- 10th
- 02:45 am Word count, and other random novelthings
- 03:15 am Not-So-Random Lyrics Post: "Sister Christian", Night Ranger (and why I'm hearing it now) - 4 comments
- 08:57 pm IEEE Computer Society meeting fun
- 11th
- 12:19 am "How to make a toilet: the fun way." - 2 comments
- 12:29 am More "the fun way" with the Little Fayoumis - 1 comment
- 02:32 am Crash Post
- 02:56 am Greenware! - 6 comments
- 09:02 pm Veterans' Day (again) - 4 comments
- 09:07 pm Willow House Night
- 12th
- 02:46 am Writing is fun.
- 12:06 pm Screen Door - 2 comments
- 02:22 pm General notice on comments/e-mail - 4 comments
- 11:16 pm Home Network Design for the Grieving - 2 comments
- 13th
- 08:13 am Morning follows
- 11:29 am Fun With Security Systems - 12 comments
- 01:26 pm LJ Grammar Snark - 5 comments
- 01:42 pm Lunatic Elsewhere: Not Enough Control
- 14th
- 02:17 am Crashie fun
- 04:32 pm (no subject)
- 07:20 pm Fuel of Choice
- 07:43 pm Spelling mnemonic
- 07:54 pm Lunatic Elsewhere: Beatrice Strangles
- 11:09 pm Well, that was exciting: car problems. Semi-unrelated, fannish friends. - 2 comments
- 15th
- 02:54 am (no subject)
- 07:22 am Lunatic Elsewhere: note_to_kid: wtf? morning thingy
- 07:53 am Slapstick - 3 comments
- 17th
- 07:28 am Things like work: monitoring/validating for fun and profit. (Underpants.) - 6 comments
- 08:29 am Fwd: Lipstick in the bathroom (a smart janitor)
- 09:28 am Beds - 2 comments
- 06:37 pm Finally.
- 18th
- 01:27 am Screen Door - 2 comments
- 01:42 am Game Plan - 1 comment
- 09:01 pm Assorted nanowrimo attendees at the write-in at the Willow House
- 10:38 pm Why is this journal public? - 1 comment
- 19th
- 03:07 am Bwahaha. - 2 comments
- 03:36 am Writing evening (or at least Out) - 2 comments
- 11:06 pm Scary Work Day
- 11:40 pm Random Household Grumble
- 21st
- 04:10 pm Quality Time
- 10:39 pm Something to give thanks for - 6 comments
- 22nd
- 01:56 am Sekrit Message to Ro:
- 02:11 am Oh yeah, that's love. - 5 comments
- 07:34 am Hee, hee: Discordians Untie. - 5 comments
- 23rd
- 07:53 am In which the Lunatic is very, very hyper, and makes an amusing observation. Also, work & life. - 1 comment
- 08:05 am The world is collapsing around our ears; I turned up the radio.
- 08:45 am Computer Cleanup
- 09:03 am Test post to prove a point.
- 09:21 am Ooo, I found a bug!
- 24th
- 12:02 am Work
- 06:17 am Gearing Up
- 06:34 am Traffic - 4 comments
- 06:44 am Random Point of Order - 6 comments
- 25th
- 01:15 am Thanksgiving Plans and Family Friends
- 02:28 am Freewill of the Week
- 02:34 am Music is fun for all of us.
- 09:35 am Linky Fun
- 09:53 am All right, then...
- 26th
- 01:16 am Hooray, Thanksgiving. - 3 comments
- 10:25 am Thanksgiving in Summary - 2 comments
- 10:47 am Fwd: Letter to Bush on the Bible (formerly seen addressed to Dr. Laura) - 2 comments
- 10:56 am Fwd: Humorous and insightful quotes from excellent ladies - 1 comment
- 11:16 am Thankful (in four different flavours)
- 01:12 pm Lunch with Dawn
- 27th
- 12:35 am Work and things like work - 2 comments
- 10:38 pm Cursed Laundry Thieves Aren't Much Fun. - 5 comments
- 28th
- 12:03 am Hooray Thanksgiving!
- 29th
- 01:08 am (no subject) - 9 comments
- 30th
- 08:47 pm (no subject)
- 09:32 pm Word Count Accomplished - 3 comments
- 11:26 pm Furthermore...