- 1st
- 02:48 am Drip drip drip - 8 comments
- 03:21 am The Grocery Shopper's Friend. Is there a website that does this already? - 7 comments
- 2nd
- 12:52 am Living a life I can't leave behind - 4 comments
- 10:45 am (no subject) - 3 comments
- 3rd
- 12:48 am Administrative: displayed name change - 3 comments
- 04:20 am Too late, too early
- 10:28 am Qwest! Cellphone! - 2 comments
- 03:09 pm (no subject)
- 4th
- 05:25 pm (no subject)
- 07:17 pm Multimedia message
- 08:50 pm Multimedia message - 4 comments
- 09:54 pm Multimedia message - 1 comment
- 5th
- 02:12 am Cry freedom! - 10 comments
- 01:21 pm 2007.07.05 The Day After Yesterday
- 6th
- 02:34 am Thursday night regulars! h1 is Serious Business. - 5 comments
- 12:35 pm 2007.07.06 I think I'm going THAT way.
- 7th
- 01:57 am OMFG.
- 12:00 pm Assorted happiness! - 2 comments
- 06:44 pm Posted using TxtLJ - 2 comments
- 8th
- 04:39 pm Hooray for Sunday. - 2 comments
- 06:11 pm 2007.07.08 A waste of a perfectly good day off? - 3 comments
- 9th
- 02:05 am Can it be Monday already? - 8 comments
- 12:27 pm 2007.07.09 Sour Cherries
- 05:56 pm Posted using TxtLJ - 4 comments
- 10th
- 01:23 am Writer? Links, about my day, and about my brain. - 7 comments
- 11:40 am 2007.07.10 Undercaffeinated, but I have laundry money!
- 06:15 pm Deathly what? - 4 comments
- 12th
- 01:50 pm 2007.07.12 Strawberry lemon water. - 4 comments
- 13th
- 01:42 am And this is what Thursday morning was like.
- 11:14 am Multimedia message - 5 comments
- 01:53 pm 2007.07.13 Semi-Farewell & Friday the 13th - 1 comment
- 14th
- 09:18 am GIP: pie, tentacles, wtf. - 6 comments
- 04:16 pm Apartments and other beautiful things! - 11 comments
- 15th
- 08:26 pm Manic-Domestic - 3 comments
- 16th
- 01:20 am Down, up, down. - 3 comments
- 08:51 pm I might have some brain back. - 4 comments
- 17th
- 11:23 am This morning so far (yay breaktime)
- 08:58 pm (no subject)
- 10:44 pm I don't know exactly what to do at this point. - 1 comment
- 18th
- 11:34 pm New job, including not-a-great-big-truck - 12 comments
- 19th
- 10:26 pm Hi, common sense. Glad to meet you. - 9 comments
- 10:46 pm weather/schedule - 2 comments
- 20th
- 06:13 am Potterdamerung - 2 comments
- 11:56 pm Posted using TxtLJ
- 21st
- 12:09 am Multimedia message - 1 comment
- 12:13 am Multimedia message - 1 comment
- 12:24 am Multimedia message - 1 comment
- 10:50 pm Spoily reactions, largely reconstructed rather than live. - 7 comments
- 22nd
- 01:08 am Force of nature (again) - 1 comment
- 10:06 pm Sunday turns into links and stuff. - 2 comments
- 23rd
- 11:35 am Training, Week 2
- 11:49 am OMG wow! - 2 comments
- 24th
- 12:22 am After being smacked in the face with a Clue Bat a few times... - 6 comments
- 06:57 am Some entertaining calls from yesterday - 2 comments
- 11:11 pm She loves the cream! - 1 comment
- 26th
- 08:53 am Live on the phones. - 7 comments
- 11:38 am (no subject)
- 27th
- 11:38 am Posted using TxtLJ - 5 comments
- 01:22 pm OMG wtf bbq. - 5 comments
- 10:15 pm Phones! (A Thursday summary.) - 2 comments
- 11:38 pm Stage fright, trucks, and other oddities of my life - 5 comments
- 29th
- 12:31 pm Weekend.
- 10:53 pm Stage fright begone!
- 30th
- 11:53 am Posted using TxtLJ
- 03:03 pm Posted using TxtLJ
- 09:55 pm Two things from today - 3 comments
- 09:58 pm Queue - 3 comments
- 31st
- 08:21 pm Tuesday
- 10:22 pm Other little pieces. - 4 comments