- 1st
- 02:16 am 10 pounds of Bad Physics moments in a 5-pound bag, plus crackfic bunnies. - 4 comments
- 03:50 am TV shows of the moment - 2 comments
- 05:16 am Writer's Block: A star is horned! - 2 comments
- 11:55 pm 29 tweets for 2010-4-1 - 6 comments
- 2nd
- 11:55 pm 14 tweets for 2010-4-2 - 1 comment
- 3rd
- 11:55 pm 9 tweets for 2010-4-3 - 1 comment
- 4th
- 02:52 am A few days' worth of doings
- 11:55 pm 19 tweets for 2010-4-4
- 5th
- 11:55 pm 13 tweets for 2010-4-5 - 5 comments
- 6th
- 11:55 pm 15 tweets for 2010-4-6 - 2 comments
- 7th
- 03:22 am Audience participation: rate the sexism! - 2 comments
- 11:55 pm 14 tweets for 2010-4-7
- 8th
- 06:42 am Entry elsewhere
- 11:55 pm 2 tweets for 2010-4-8
- 9th
- 11:55 pm 21 tweets for 2010-4-9 - 4 comments
- 10th
- 11:55 pm 5 tweets for 2010-4-10
- 11th
- 09:48 am Brainspinnies! - 6 comments
- 11:55 pm 5 tweets for 2010-4-11 - 1 comment
- 12th
- 11:55 pm 19 tweets for 2010-4-12
- 13th
- 11:55 pm 9 tweets for 2010-4-13
- 14th
- 11:55 am SHUT UP WOMAN GET ON MY HORSE (video description) - 5 comments
- 05:06 pm What's in a name, and other random musings - 2 comments
- 07:14 pm Britney's Legs - 8 comments
- 11:55 pm 21 tweets for 2010-4-14 - 2 comments
- 15th
- 01:05 pm Harry Potter: Epilogue? What Epilogue!?: "Raveled Sleeve", H/D-ish, gennish, peaceful interlude - 4 comments
- 11:55 pm 15 tweets for 2010-4-15
- 16th
- 11:55 pm 15 tweets for 2010-4-16 - 1 comment
- 17th
- 04:46 pm Notable Books meme - 4 comments
- 11:55 pm 19 tweets for 2010-4-17 - 4 comments
- 18th
- 06:31 am Day-stuff, penguins, how to be helpful in dw_suggestions, and ABSOLUTE SCORCHING RAGE. - 3 comments
- 09:34 am Midshipman^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H Ensign Wesley Crusher, Teen Geek Idol - 6 comments
- 11:55 pm 5 tweets for 2010-4-18
- 19th
- 11:55 pm 19 tweets for 2010-4-19
- 20th
- 11:55 pm 31 tweets for 2010-4-20
- 21st
- 12:00 am Glambert == Mythbuster!??! - 1 comment
- 09:27 am Your wish to interact with me is not my obligation to respond. - 20 comments
- 11:55 pm 16 tweets for 2010-4-21
- 22nd
- 12:47 am over the borderline
- 11:55 pm 25 tweets for 2010-4-22
- 23rd
- 04:41 pm Argh. :( - 5 comments
- 11:55 pm 16 tweets for 2010-4-23 - 2 comments
- 24th
- 11:49 pm Strawberries make the world go 'round. - 6 comments
- 11:55 pm 11 tweets for 2010-4-24
- 25th
- 11:55 pm 14 tweets for 2010-4-25
- 26th
- 11:55 pm 31 tweets for 2010-4-26
- 27th
- 11:55 pm 10 tweets for 2010-4-27
- 28th
- 03:02 pm Twist-ties aren't very good for earpieces. - 12 comments
- 11:55 pm 30 tweets for 2010-4-28 - 1 comment
- 29th
- 11:55 pm 22 tweets for 2010-4-29
- 30th
- 11:55 pm 15 tweets for 2010-4-30