Please, be so kind as to share all current information on tracking the amoeba of outraged smut-lovers and free speech activists by linking the action to the F. W. post over at Journalfen. Don't be shy if you don't have an account there; post anonomously.
View all the hot wankity action re: fandom_scruples
Please, be so kind as to share all current information on tracking the amoeba of outraged smut-lovers and free speech activists by linking the action to the F. W. post over at Journalfen. Don't be shy if you don't have an account there; post anonomously.
Home, minus uterus
Originally posted by azz_on_dw at Home, minus uterus the uterus (and tubes, and…
Got logged out on my phone. Could have done without the aggressive ad takeover that threw me to the app store. Twice. No chance to log in. Might…
You might have succeeded in changing me / I might have been turned around
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