- Pixy Stix are fun. And more fun to dump in soda.
- In an emergency, a hunk of Laffy Taffy can be used as an earplug when standing about six rows back from the stage at the Soul Asylum concert.
- Relatives sometimes buy you condoms.
- I really don't give a flying fuck at the moon about pretty much any show on TV anymore. By the time I was hooked on TNG, it was over. By the time I started liking DS9, it was over. I haven't seen enough of Enterprise to get into, and, um, I'll never be able to take it entirely seriously because of the captain. I liked Dark Angel and I liked The X-Files up until Mulder left. I randomly watched other very silly comedies, but those two were the only ones I actually, you know, followed.
- People originally resistant to the idea of importing hacker/cracker jargon words such as 0wn and fux0r sometimes do so when referring to computers/computer issues.
- Sometimes I just need sleep.
Things Learned...
Home, minus uterus
Originally posted by
azz_on_dw at Home, minus uterus http://azurelunatic.dreamwidth.org/7618142.htmlGot the uterus (and tubes, and…
Got logged out on my phone. Could have done without the aggressive ad takeover that threw me to the app store. Twice. No chance to log in. Might…
You might have succeeded in changing me / I might have been turned around
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