Cute Geek Super offered, yesterday, to take
Today's iteration of the cracking game involved Cute Geek Super cracking into Comic Pirate Super's hotmail account, through the good offices of the Hotmail lost password/reset function, as well as a lot of ham-handed social engineering. I did some Googling and came up with a description of the technique, then explained it to College Chick Shift Ops Super before Cute Geek Super had the account even half cracked.
Cute Geek Super has somewhat fewer general l33tness points than I first imagined; I'm going to have to introduce him to "All Your Base", as well as Strongbad. He's got fewer technical l33tness points as well.
The talk of cracking e-mail accounts turned into pranking e-mail accounts, which turned into subscriptions to gay porn. It's a heartily homophobic crowd there -- I need to liven things up some. I'm thinking a healthy introduction to goatse might be in order -- but alas, is no more as of this writing.
At 7:00pm, the discussion of whether or not Cute Geek Super had ever subscribed to gay porn was going strong, with the two major parties in the discussion being Cute Geek Super and Rev. Nice Super, both doing so at the top of their lungs. There was one problem with this: there was still one phone goon in the room and on the phone. Namely, Figment. After several abortive attempts to shush the combatants, I crept over there and apologized to my poor bondmate, who was almost through with the survey.
I think College Chick Shift Ops Super is catching on to the coincidence that the goofy grins on my face very often happen in association with something Figment-related. Heh. Ah well.