Azure Jane Lunatic (azurelunatic) wrote,
Azure Jane Lunatic

Cow-Orkers: When Good Chocolate Goes Psycho

The stuff that hits me like WHAM when Hormones Attack is generally the stuff that should be bothering me all along, but that I've grown accustomed to ignoring the rest of the time.

Rev. Not-So-Nice Super is to never be allowed access to more than one M&M at a time again.

"There are M&Ms coming out my ass!" is not intended to be taken literally when it's Stressy College Chick jumping up and down trying to get the M&Ms that Rev. Not-So-Nice Super dumped down the back of her dress all out and on the floor.

Falling over giggling when the two are hurling handfuls of brightly-colored chocolate candies at each other like slightly sticky pebbles is only encouraging them.

Some damnfool woman was doing a survey with a young respondent and ran into some trouble. Seems that the father had said that the kid was autistic. The kid was getting audibly frustrated and embarrassed that she couldn't answer the questions very quickly. So the damnfool woman told the kid that she understood that the attention deficit disorder made it hard to answer the questions, and that was okay. The father, who'd evidently been listening on the other line, blew the fuck up. I don't entirely blame him.

As a phone goon with really good rapport with some of the difficult respondents, I have a very good idea of what I would have probably said in the situation she described. I'd have probably said, "It's all right if you want to think about the questions for a while," or something along those lines, acknowledging that yes, the kid was answering them slower than standard, and yes, that was perfectly all right. But. While autism and ADD may happen together, they are NOT the same motherfucking condition. ADD kids can be exceptionally socially adept. Autistic kids can have decent focus control on a task, from what I've heard. (Just don't mix that with overwhelming sensory stimuli.) This woman is sufficiently clue-negative to have earned my distance.

I recall a similar What-The-Fuck moment with a demographics bit. It seems that the survey's programming, upon accepting "Asian" as an ethnic background, had coughed up an extensive (but incomplete) list of specific Asian countries-of-family-origin. The respondent was Korean. There was no such specific choice, and no write-in choice on the computer form. Instead of doing the proper thing, picking some random or null choice, and writing up a paper correction, the phone goon pressed if the respondent couldn't just pick another, like, say, Japanese. The respondent, only naturally, exploded at the insult, and the still-confused phone goon ran off to find a supervisor to tell her what to do. I managed to curb my own profanity long enough to tell her what to do.

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