I am certain that there are plenty of other times that I could be doing my laundry. Like, I could do it any time on Monday or Tuesday, or on Saturday or Sunday afternoons, or I could get up before work and do it then. I am not pleased with the laundry room hours, though. Why do they have to do that? More to the point, how do I complain about it without sounding like a whiny teenager with an entitlement problem?
Laundry Room
I am certain that there are plenty of other times that I could be doing my laundry. Like, I could do it any time on Monday or Tuesday, or on Saturday or Sunday afternoons, or I could get up before work and do it then. I am not pleased with the laundry room hours, though. Why do they have to do that? More to the point, how do I complain about it without sounding like a whiny teenager with an entitlement problem?
Home, minus uterus
Originally posted by azz_on_dw at Home, minus uterus http://azurelunatic.dreamwidth.org/7618142.htmlGot the uterus (and tubes, and…
Got logged out on my phone. Could have done without the aggressive ad takeover that threw me to the app store. Twice. No chance to log in. Might…
You might have succeeded in changing me / I might have been turned around
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