Azure Jane Lunatic (azurelunatic) wrote,
Azure Jane Lunatic

End-user time.

10:13 AM - 12:17 PM 3/1/2007
Updated monitoring system; need to poke [Web Guru] or the documentation about the thing where the end date needs to be set at the day after the last day it will be used on; this is probably due to the default time on the day being set to midnight that morning early.

I noticed something else interesting this morning with the end dates, though it may just be something to document to the other people who are maintaining the job list rather than something to change. (I know that now that I know about it, I can deal with working around it with no trouble at all.)

I'd been showing the end dates on jobs that I knew were planned to close at the end of the month as the day after the end of the month, just in case it didn't close that day after all. I was looking today to see what did close and what didn't, so I could make sure some of the things were in the job list, and the one I'd put down as closing today didn't show up in the list when I expected it to.

The end date on any given job needs to be the day after the last day that the job will be monitored on, rather than being the day of closing; if a job closes on Feb 28th, the end date will need to be March 1st; if a job closes on March 1st, the end date will need to be March 2nd, etc.

I encountered a problem exactly like this, the other night in discussion about a LiveJournal feature that's in beta. Their problem was because the default time for a system date is midnight, very early in the morning on the specified date, so when checking the timestamp against the range of dates to be affected, it didn't process anything at 12:01:00 AM and after on the specified end date. (Nobody said if they'd tested it with something at exactly midnight.) I'm guessing that the reason here is could be something similar.

11:54 AM 3/1/2007
One to check RT for: "Or you can post as anonymous instead" shows up when logged out & posting with bum (and alternate) username in journal where anonymous is banned. Because you can't post as anonymous, so the error message shouldn't tell you that you can.

12:39 PM 3/1/2007
Web Guru has been poked, though he wasn't in his cube. BETA BETA BETA is actually good for real-world (hee) business things, because you run into bugs that apply to things that are not LJ!!

3:00 PM 3/1/2007
Hrrrrng. Tired Miss Lunatic wants to go home. Maybe she will, because she is not getting much done.

3:32 PM 3/1/2007
Miss Lunatic is actually getting a surprising amount of things done. Miss Lunatic has plans to talk to the post office about the piece of undeliverable mail that she didn't get. I should e-mail Ecchi-chan about that.

3:40 PM 3/1/2007 might be b0rked. Heard some skipping, but wasn't watching the player.

And last night, hcolleen said something beautiful. When someone declares that they have no interest in history, have no use for it, don't really see the need for it, don't want to know where things come from, just want the things -- "Oh, so you're an end-user!" hcolleen declared. The woman smiled and agreed.

Oh, how I ♥ my roommate.

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