- 01:51 ... "backyard bottomslash". "quarter queen". ... (I am reading a book, and I may wake up my sleeping roommate from shrieking. LOLWUT.) #
- 02:28 When the Death Note anime was first coming out, I would watch it with H. I always had an apple that I would bite into for opening credits. #
- 04:09 I have myself a copy of Jinx High again. And of course all I can remember is me in 1994 and YE GODS THE NOVEL I WAS WRITING THEN OMG MARYSUE #
- 04:33 Finally read Old Man's War. Good stuff. The Heinlein comparison is valid and deserving. #
- 07:02 Still awake. Why? But IJ is back. (There is good fic there.) Concerned for their servers what with latest LJ insanity. :( #
- 08:11 Two of the little dumb doves are preening each other aggressively on the tree outside my window. #
- 09:14 o right, holiday. *looks for the Irish cream for a nightcap* #
- 09:20 My Irish chocolate milk has quite a bit of Irish. :D #
- 20:40 Awake. Might be hung-over. Can't tell. #
- 20:51 Read Jinx High last night/this morning. Still good. Also read Another Note. Working on Death Note 13, but slow going as it's meta. #
- 20:52 @tangowildheart Yes, but this is for the record. Still in that twilight state between out of bed and actually in motion, also. #
Daily randomness of Miss Lunatic
Home, minus uterus
Originally posted by azz_on_dw at Home, minus uterus http://azurelunatic.dreamwidth.org/7618142.htmlGot the uterus (and tubes, and…
Got logged out on my phone. Could have done without the aggressive ad takeover that threw me to the app store. Twice. No chance to log in. Might…
You might have succeeded in changing me / I might have been turned around
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