- 00:52 Darkside does not like and in fact fears the ruffled pink skirt. (For him, not for me. Though I have no pink skirt.) No drag for him!! #
- 01:08 Gah. I worry. Two emails and comedy. #
- 08:44 Have lost lip gloss in car. This will not lead to good things, given that this is Arizona (not Sparta, however). #
- 08:49 @mayerman I used to have a text file open at my old job that did about the same thing. Then I switched to Google Docs posting. Predates you. #
- 14:06 @popefelix Srsly listen to your sane users. <3 #
Daily randomness of Miss Lunatic
Home, minus uterus
Originally posted by azz_on_dw at Home, minus uterus http://azurelunatic.dreamwidth.org/7618142.htmlGot the uterus (and tubes, and…
Got logged out on my phone. Could have done without the aggressive ad takeover that threw me to the app store. Twice. No chance to log in. Might…
You might have succeeded in changing me / I might have been turned around
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