- They got a whole bunch of snow.
- She has been mostly just working.
- The LF got banned from the bus for a day.
- This was on account of telling bad jokes on the bus.
- The LF has a friend who is ... perhaps not finest-kind.
- They were particularly homophobic jokes.
- I'm very glad I didn't have to have the talk that followed that with him.
- The LF has taken up the banjo!
- The LF is about as tall as his mom. Hi, puberty. (He's *12*!!)
- The LF is growing a mustache. (HI, PUBERTY.)
- shammash is gay. The other cat, Thomas, is his boyfriend. (It's a ball-less, mostly-platonic kind of gay, from the description, mostly involving sleeping curled up together. He was never that close to Eris Raven, at any rate.)
- There may be a kitty handfasting (pawfasting?) in the spring.
- The lecture to the LF did involve "DID YOU REALIZE YOU ARE BEING *MEAN* TO YOUR *BROTHER*!?", heh.
- I need to make sure that Dawn and Sis have each other's numbers.
All kinds of OMG
Home, minus uterus
Originally posted by azz_on_dw at Home, minus uterus http://azurelunatic.dreamwidth.org/7618142.htmlGot the uterus (and tubes, and…
Got logged out on my phone. Could have done without the aggressive ad takeover that threw me to the app store. Twice. No chance to log in. Might…
You might have succeeded in changing me / I might have been turned around
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