- Thursday, 0007: @emptybackpack Serious as Remus and Sirius. :D
- Thursday, 0229: @TheDivineGoat First time in all LJ history. There were some *very amused* engineers. That is a LOT of comments.
- Thursday, 0912: Heeeeeee! Politics RPF/Potter crossover: http://pasi.livejournal.com/39850.html (gen)
- Thursday, 1006: That song that is not Werewolves of London inspires me to change the station every time.
- Thursday, 1118: I'm at Santa Clara - http://bkite.com/049GE
- Thursday, 1124: Huge crowd for the job fair. I may be underdressed & I have no security clearance. At least ... - Santa Clara, , , - http://bkite.com/049Hg
- Thursday, 1129: At least I pre-registered. Line only getting longer. - Santa Clara, , , - http://bkite.com/049HR
- Thursday, 1144: I wonder how many start-ups will form because people are sick of standing in line? - Santa Clara, , , - http://bkite.com/049IZ
- Thursday, 1231: They wanted more devs, fewer doc & tech support. Alas. - Santa Clara, , , - http://bkite.com/049ND
- Thursday, 1339: I'm at Pacifica - http://bkite.com/049Un
- Thursday, 1341: @semanticist On the timestamp, I think.
- Thursday, 1343: @sleevewornheart Yeah, I'd be insulted too. What kind of netbook?
- Thursday, 1346: Carrie's right, this is a zoo: http://tinyurl.com/d5cel3
- Thursday, 1352: OK, just about time for my consulting gig.
- Thursday, 2038: I'm at Daly City - http://bkite.com/04ayG
- Thursday, 2051: I'm at Mission St & 16th St - http://bkite.com/04azY
- Thursday, 2127: Kitties riding Roomba: http://tinyurl.com/56v872
- Thursday, 2212: Watching Firefly.
- Thursday, 2312: ...I think I love Jayne.
- Thursday, 2318: OK, I *know* I love Jayne. Jayne and Mal pass the broccoli test.
- Thursday, 2332: @sleevewornheart Broccoli test: http://gwyn-r.livejournal.com/98905.html
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