- Thursday, 2358: I wonder if anyone would notice if I danced. 2 people in this car.
- Thursday, 2358: I may have just heard a crowd singing You Can't Take The Sky From Me upstairs.
- Thursday, 2358: My internal compass is starting to work here. I can feel my map of the city swinging around me underground.
- Friday, 0002: I'm at Daly City Bart - http://bkite.com/05s4p
- Friday, 0028: I'm at Pacifica - http://bkite.com/05s5V
- Friday, 0034: Ha, my tweets from on the train posted out of order. First, the singing. Then, the swinging. Next, the dancing. (I did, a bit.)
- Friday, 0035: @armaina ... from whom?
- Friday, 0037: @amberfoxfire Speaking of way too much blue dick: http://basicinstructions.net/?p=1019
- Friday, 0043: @afuna_wired Do you need any files mailed?
- Friday, 0044: @ataniell93 Why what makes you say that? >_> *innocentface*
- Friday, 0044: @afuna_wired Strange...
- Friday, 0101: @amberfoxfire Ow, I bet not.
- Friday, 0101: @amberfoxfire You have one guess about the fandom.
- Friday, 0309: I have had the line "Affirmative. I poked one. It was dead." in my head for like DAYS. I blame @coffeechica
- Friday, 0920: @armaina Ahhh, heeee, a gif makes far more sense. Oh, $WORKPLACE. <3
- Friday, 0924: @TheDivineGoat There's some discussion on that here: http://cupcakestakethecake.blogspot.com/2005/03/fairy-cake-debate.html
- Friday, 0925: @afuna I happen to have certain soundtracks in their entirety.
- Friday, 0926: @semanticist Is this because you taunted me about the lack of venomous beasties in Scotland when I found the monitor-cable spider?
- Friday, 0928: @rickybuchanan Distinctly I remember: it was in the Long September; that endless bad September, came the n00bs in through our door.
- Friday, 0929: @gameboyguy13 You are perceptive and will be well-liked.
- Friday, 0934: I keep hitting alt instead of control and accidentally downloading pages instead of opening them in a new tab. I blame mac reflexes.
- Friday, 0934: @semanticist Heh. Well, my monitor was in my aunt's basement. And my apartment is a Wireless Pit.
- Friday, 0935: I'm still calling people "Baby" by accident. I blame Cammie.
- Friday, 1105: I'm at Daly City Bart - http://bkite.com/05sZs
- Friday, 1333: Tech support strippers
- Friday, 1502: @UC Santa Cruz
- Friday, 1506: I'm at Santa Cruz - http://bkite.com/05tvp
- Friday, 1617: On the beach. Found shells, water.
- Friday, 1814: I'm at Santa Cruz - http://bkite.com/05tWG
- Friday, 1822: Kahlua krunch ice cream is very good. Bunch of kids havinga spirited discussion about sf & co... - Santa Cruz, , , - http://bkite.com/05tXG
- Friday, 1825: Alice B Toklas fudge brownie ice cream had unexpected walnuts. I should remember to ask. - Santa Cruz, , , - http://bkite.com/05tY9
- Friday, 1955: @Shiki in Half Moon Bay CA
- Friday, 1957: I'm at Half Moon Bay - http://bkite.com/05ua1
- Friday, 2207: I'm at Pacifica - http://bkite.com/05uo6
- Friday, 2219: Quotes from road trip, RT @gameboyguy13: "I talk to my equipment" says @azurelunatic.
- Friday, 2220: @amberfoxfire As opposed to finding no shells (only rocks, seaweed, sticks, seagulls), and falling in the water (vs. finding).
- Friday, 2221: @amberfoxfire Hahaha be surprised but not too surprised. Bella fucking Swan & Edward Cullen.
- Friday, 2222: @omnivorously *snerk* "chibi-san" ahahaahahhaaaaaaaa
- Friday, 2224: More trip: RT @gameboyguy13 Every time I doze off, @chasethestars takes a picture of me. Help. Good thing I am in the front and she is not.
- Friday, 2225: @omnivorously YES, everyone at SPN night was *DYING* over that.
- Friday, 2235: @omnivorously Coded fisting!
- Friday, 2258: I might now be legless. (My legs hurt of ow, overstress; am having some boozes with @gameboyguy13.)
- Friday, 2258: @cxxi For what?
- Friday, 2314: @amberfoxfire JD says that @chasethestars had the same reaction.
- Friday, 2322: Monks plotting a revolution: http://www.overheardinnewyork.com/archives/018349.html (made me giggle)
- Friday, 2349: OMG so much Henry-love here: http://community.livejournal.com/changelog/7034698.html
- Friday, 2352: The @gameboyguy13 says I must check out http://www.amoeba.com/
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