- Friday, 0034: *dies* http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/gallery/sketch.php?date=20070416 (girl genius: locket)
- Friday, 0059: ...oh right, I was opening up xxs for a rejection. But! Poodlefishing! http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/gallery/sketch.php?date=20070527
- Friday, 0101: gg: "flatten the earth society" http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/gallery/sketch.php?date=20070528
- Friday, 0108: That might explain it, if I'm mostly het for pair-bonding, but mostly lesbian for HUBBA-HUBBA. Most men they do nothing for me.
- Friday, 0114: @azurelunatic (like, visually. After they establish HI BRAINS HERE that's a different story.)
- Friday, 0119: @emawii Josh has many wisdoms.
- Friday, 0123: @ataniell93 It's weird. Most of my "this is pretty" in men is less inherently decorative and more "he looks like X who earned my attraction"
- Friday, 0903: @amyty As long as I have the one, you can have dibs on the rest. (though the one is not inclined to be cooperative, alas.)
- Friday, 0919: day 2 after wearing the bracelet: another itchy red lump on my wrist. fucking metal allergies.
- Friday, 1004: Oh god, fangirl, if I were your partner in class I'd have been upset too.
- Friday, 1038: @allergyexpert You're using some damned autofollow tool, aren't you. Ugh.
- Friday, 1039: @scapwell I can't recall why I have decided that particular trick is a bad idea for me.
- Friday, 1050: @semanticist I still think autofollow is the devil. Autofollowback makes legit people follow spambots. Autofollow keyword make them choads.
- Friday, 1100: @semanticist Right. I'm complaining in specific about @allergyexpert and his antisocial twitter practices.
- Friday, 1100: @allergyexpert Right, but why did you follow me?
- Friday, 1127: @pattimac That, and Twitter seems to be one of the places of applied social media explosion right now, so things are moving really fast.
- Friday, 1128: @semanticist Kittenhate is wherever you happen to be.
- Friday, 1130: Ha, I'm not the only one who noticed. http://www.snopes.com/photos/risque/carhood.asp
- Friday, 1143: Hey, it's a Florida license plate! http://www.snopes.com/photos/risque/license.asp
- Friday, 1223: @semanticist It would be shiny if @fuckyoubot replied so that it got the 'in reply to' link for the edification of others.
- Friday, 1224: @mconnell Nicely done!
- Friday, 1242: @cakewrecks Your decision to not google it was correct. The cake is indeed very strongly reminiscent of the original.
- Friday, 1246: @salanaland I hardly think goatse and rickrolling are comparable in scale. On the one hand you have 80s music. On the other hand, hello.jpg
- Friday, 1247: Via @cakewrecks:To those who have not seen goatse, this is just a claddagh. To those who have... http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=14uey3a&s=5
- Friday, 1256: @scapwell You know you liked it. :D
- Friday, 1320: @ataniell93 That's about it, yes.
- Friday, 1344: Heeeee oh dear. (Not Always Right: smoking the tomato) http://notalwaysright.com/you-say-to-mah-to-i-say-pot-tah-to/1705
- Friday, 1354: Sometimes being an adult includes making sure your subject line is relevant to the email. Thus, family networking email subject: "Your Mom".
- Friday, 1355: @bekijane May not be forever. I had gall owwie issues ~10 years ago, and that cleared up after about a year of v. low-fat.
- Friday, 1432: @cxxi My friend Nora recommends to me the best of pop. It is like popcorn! So I like me some Britney stuff too.
- Friday, 1609: @allergyexpert What does following accomplish that sending a simple @ message does not?
- Friday, 1610: @gameboyguy13 If they change it away in the future, you just know that there will be "deflower" jokes coming.
- Friday, 1612: Headed out to smack my phone in the face. Have brought book.
- Friday, 1727: It's the network & a bastard freaky. Thought it was not the poor phone.
- Friday, 1751: Overheard people talking about the gang killing warning text messages in Target. Mentioned Snopes loudly.
- Friday, 1754: @davidalexanderm But blue! Glowing! FREE FROM THE TYRANNY OF PANTS!!
- Friday, 1757: @davidalexanderm I think it's not so much fear as gawking.
- Friday, 1909: The network hasn't yet spat up the offending message after the Sprint tech took out and put back in the battery. Waiting. Watching.
- Friday, 1923: Headed to aunt's for movie night.
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