- Monday, 0040: 157 nanohertz. http://xkcd.com/594/
- Monday, 0118: The squeeze machine: http://www.grandin.com/inc/squeeze.html (hugs! from a machine!)
- Monday, 0253: I still like this song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESvYRR1Fyug
- Monday, 0339: "Drag you off to Iowa" is code for "elope" now, it seems.
- Monday, 1239: @ursamajor Apparently Jess is looking for you on LJ IRC.
- Monday, 1243: Via @danteshepherd: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhIOLDBDVWE I love the Eels. "In My Dreams" is good.
- Monday, 1445: I'm at Skyline Blvd & Fort Funston Rd, San Francisco, CA , United States - http://bkite.com/08jj1
- Monday, 1531: Onward to Trader Joe's!
- Monday, 1538: I'm at Trader Joe's - http://bkite.com/08jo8
- Monday, 1541: "Poodle, stop humping!" count today: 1 parking
- Monday, 1634: I'm at Pacifica - http://bkite.com/08jtK
- Monday, 1635: @gameboyguy13 Good to know; I'd be a little stressed if I had to come up with wedding presents on such short notice.
- Monday, 1653: Star Trek TOS: Journey to Babel gleecaps: http://jmtorres.dreamwidth.org/1341378.html
- Monday, 1705: via @cakewrecks: a wrecked birthday cake social disaster http://ask.metafilter.com/124186/Party-foul-or-reason-for-jihad | the person who wrecked that cake needs *help*.
- Monday, 1726: Star Trek Reboot: "Cadet Kirk's Starfleet End-of-Year Report" http://dolorous-ett.livejournal.com/158475.html
(set down beverages) - Monday, 1744: Beer, cheese, and bacon cupcakes?! http://beeradvocate.com/forum/read/1231377 & http://www.yesandyes.org/2009/06/30-new-things-beercheesebacon-cupcakes.html
- Monday, 1802: @pir_anha IRC is full of many wonders.
- Monday, 1817: Ooo, violets. http://glasspetalsmoke.blogspot.com/2008/02/violet-pleasures-in-food-and-drink.html
- Monday, 1914: @sarahreesbrenna In your chatroom, we are now looking for Jabberwocky slash. Just thought you'd like to know.
- Monday, 1919: Beware the Viruworm! http://www.suite101.com/discussion.cfm/investing/13480/112828
- Monday, 1940: @teshiron ...what
- Monday, 1950: This is fascinating (Alan Moore's Lost Girls, NSFW) http://www.nerve.com/screeningroom/books/interview_alanmoore/
- Monday, 2002: Star Trek TOS: "Search and Rescue" http://users.livejournal.com/_seven_crows/14538.html
"I'm a doctor, not a moron." - Monday, 2003: @mamajoan It's reasonably tasty as far as energy drinks go. (They're usually vile.)
- Monday, 2010: @ladyofthelog I have not! It does sound fascinating though.
- Monday, 2041: Fear of rape is a tool used to limit the freedoms of women. http://liv.dreamwidth.org/6527.html
- Monday, 2053: This is cute! http://www.flickr.com/photos/llama_go_moooo/3609053743/
@idonotlikepeas @ursamajor @zarhooie meetup for the win! - Monday, 2054: Firebird's Child http://skinnywhitechick.bandcamp.com/track/firebirds-child-2
- Monday, 2207: Missing words. http://oyceter.dreamwidth.org/842104.html #race #ethnicity #culture
- Monday, 2212: @exor674 That is such a fun color.
- Monday, 2215: @exor674 I am all about fun-colored hair. You totally should.
- Monday, 2220: Star Trek Reboot: "This Brings Victory" (Sulu/Kirk, d/s, very nice) http://helensfic.dreamwidth.org/221981.html
- Monday, 2238: Re-reading "Leave a Message" (X-Files, humor) http://mulderinjeopardyx.com/stories/l/leaveamessage.txt yet again
- Monday, 2245: @scapwell Because you're a night owl by nature, and most productive at night?
- Monday, 2247: Generalization: when a member of $group tells you that the preferred method for X is Y and not Z, don't assume you know more than them.
- Monday, 2256: @pir_anha Exactly. That situation is a call for more research.
- Monday, 2342: Ooo shiny. http://www.coldwatercreek.com/Products/Product.aspx?productid=44920&ensembleid=51002&Skn=outlet
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