- Monday, 1159: @ladyofthelog Like italics or bold.
- Monday, 1200: RT: @shadesong: http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_daily_dish/2009/06/life-has-come-to-a-halt.html Purges at universities, women & girls targeted #iranelection
- Monday, 1203: RT @shadesong: RT @zahrahb: A doctor in Hazrate Rasool hospital confirmed 7 ppl killed in Azadi sq. #iranelection
- Monday, 1210: @ataniell93 If you want a green version of your icon I altered it http://pics.livejournal.com/azurelunatic/pic/000t5ze0
- Monday, 1220: RT: @stephenfry: Our Iranian friends cn access Twitter from Port:80 in Tehran. Can avoid govt filters frm here. #iranelection
- Monday, 1220: RT: @StopAhmadi: NEWS: Rasht; Telephones being bugged and listened by authorities, source says #IranElection
- Monday, 1220: RT: @StopAhmadi: NEWS: Rasht; All ppl that were talking on cellphone or taking pics/movies got cought #IranElection
- Monday, 1235: RT @shadesong: RT @azarnoush Proxies are secured. We need VPN. #iranelection
- Monday, 1240: RT @ricksanchezcnn other cities in Iran are a mess, in Rasht, vigilanties getting inside homes and beating girls and young men
- Monday, 1240: RT @persiankiwi: 3 of our group missing from afternoon - we have no news from them; #Iranelection
- Monday, 1251: RT: @StopAhmadi: WE NEED MORE PROXIES ASAP!!!! #iranelection
- Monday, 1254: Phone conversations with @zarhooie tend to lead to us singing at each other. I thought it was bad with @durandal15873.
- Monday, 1301: @Scatterbeams On Iran's government sites, which are spreading misinformation. Austinheap's site has frames for the government sites ...
- Monday, 1301: @Scatterbeams ...and there is a script on the page that will reload all the sites in those frames very very fast. Click start to start.
- Monday, 1302: RT: @StopAhmadi: WE NEED NEWPROXY but plz do not announce them in public, @ me and i will add for DM
- Monday, 1303: @semanticist The 1155AM (GMT-7) update didn't take
- Monday, 1310: RT @persiankiwi: pedestrians avoid military baraks off Pasdaran St - something is going to happen from there - #Iranelection
- Monday, 1310: RT @shadesong: RT *NEW* Learn how to setup a proxy to help #Iran citizens get their media out! PLEASE RT! http://is.gd/12IA6 #iranelection
- Monday, 1311: @semanticist oh god that totally would
- Monday, 1313: The Demon's Lexicon: "This is what happens when you get Nick drunk." http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5139477/1/This_is_what_happens_when_you_get_Nick_drunk (Spoilers; may require knowing the book)
- Monday, 1321: RT @StopAhmadi: NEWS: Isfahan; 19 year-old got killed, brother is on BBC now, doesn't know how 2 tell parents in Tehran #iranelection
- Monday, 1329: RT: @StopAhmadi: TAKE THIS SITE DOWN http://farsi.khamenei.ir/INDEX #iranelection
- Monday, 1329: RT: @persiankiwi: confirmed - Yousefabad and Fatemi area are quiet now - #Iranelection
- Monday, 1330: RT: @persiankiwi: most activity is in north - Gheytarieh, Pasdaran, Gholhak and Niavaran still busy and noisy - #Iranelection
- Monday, 1354: @emawii You think you could ask if they could reschedule maintenance to sometime when there isn't a revolution on? (we met 1 time @ beretta)
- Monday, 1355: @emawii (I'm that old camp buddy of @pyrogenique's & a friend of @gameboyguy13's, not some crazy stalker out of the blue)
- Monday, 1359: RT @StopAhmadi: NEWS: Reason why ppl burning down Basiji HQ was a person got killed outside #iranelection
- Monday, 1401: Dear @twitter, do you think you could reschedule maintenance to sometime when there isn't a revolution on? #iranelection
- Monday, 1402: @semanticist Iranian government's monitoring that hashtag now; current game plan is plain @ reply & then he DMs to people
- Monday, 1418: RT: @StopAhmadi: I will sum up what happened in Iran today...
- Monday, 1418: RT: @StopAhmadi: As violence started, ppl got shot, snipers were seen near Azadi Sq. some ppl injured and few died.
- Monday, 1418: RT: @StopAhmadi: In Rasht (n also Tehran) ppl said they got calls from authorities, saying they've been wired on phones and listened to.
- Monday, 1418: RT: @StopAhmadi: Tomorrow, tuesday there WILL be another gathering at ValiAsr Sq. 5 PM #iranelection
- Monday, 1418: RT: @StopAhmadi: The Basiji HQ building got burned down by ppl, bcz 1 person got killed outside. #iranelection
- Monday, 1418: RT: @StopAhmadi: In Rasht, all ppl that were talking on cellphone or taking pics/movies were beaten (n some caught) #IranElection
- Monday, 1418: RT: @StopAhmadi: Mousavi also said ppl should continue protesting w/ "allah o akbar" til they get back their rights #iranelection
- Monday, 1419: RT @StopAhmadi: In Rasht, ppl got provoked by Basiji's hence ppl doing quiet protest. #iranelection
- Monday, 1420: RT @StopAhmadi: In Rasht, lots of teargas used n mostly plaincloth Basijis were beating ppl, while police observing #iranelection
- Monday, 1424: RT @jadi A robot, randomly calls homes and says "we know you were in the protests, do not repeat this." to frighten people #IranElection
- Monday, 1425: RT @StopAhmadi: Even though ppl seem to be bugged on phones, some buy pay'n'go cards for cellphones #iranelection
- Monday, 1425: RT @StopAhmadi: However, it seems that the phone bugging is an act to scare ppl from communicating #iranelection
- Monday, 1427: @semanticist I would imagine more than one person is doing it
- Monday, 1435: RT: @StopAhmadi: Earlier today we saw many fake tweets about the cancellation of the Mousavi rally today, it was just to mislead ppl.
- Monday, 1436: RT: @dawnam: *sigh* "Unfortunately the timing of this maintenance period is not within our control." http://status.twitter.com/post/124145031/maintenance-window-tonight-9-45p-pacific #iranelection
- Monday, 1436: RT: @StopAhmadi: confirm? RT @iranproxy: @StopAhmadi source from Washington Times reporting foreign press been âœkindly askedâ 2 leave Iran.
- Monday, 1445: recap, links to resources, & three forms of Twitter-based activism: boost signal, research, inform: http://azurelunatic.dreamwidth.org/6303016.html #IranElection
- Monday, 1447: RT @StopAhmadi: Girl shot in Tehran (youtube) http://is.gd/12MMX #iranelection
- Monday, 1448: RT @persiankiwi: reliable source - gunshots in Sharak Gharb were not directly at the people but still many injured by tear gas #Iranelection
- Monday, 1449: @sofiaviolet I'm glad to hear that this is doing some good.
- Monday, 1624: RT @al3x Yes, we are communicating the importance of keeping the service running to our hosting provider. We'll see what we can do.
- Monday, 1634: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. RT: @twitter: Maintenance window rescheduled! http://blog.twitter.com/2009/06/down-time-rescheduled.html
- Monday, 1641: RT: @shadesong: RT @raine1967 Do NOT use Iranian's twitter ID when RTing. Govt is tracking them down. Please RT #iranelection
- Monday, 1725: I think it is time for us to horizontal. (watch out, plural self-reference = *very* tired!)
- Monday, 1744: @Scatterbeams I did mention the part where I was plural from 1995-2005 or so, right? And how under stress I evolves back into we?
- Monday, 1745: Got email from dear best friend; called dear best friend ~14 minutes, decompressed, clung to.
- Monday, 1745: Take care, be safe, and I will see you in the morning.
- Monday, 1746: RT: [] we are moving location - seperating - situation in Tehran is tense - cant explain #Iranelection
- Monday, 1747: RT(iranians) Support the Iranian People Change your twitter location to Iran #IranElection to confuse IRI fascists!
- Monday, 1803: @Scatterbeams yeah, any time that one of me is not enough to cope with whatever, it becomes no longer just one (mostly facets though)
- Monday, 1824: (not quite asleep yet) #activism Not on the scene? Got net? You can: Retweet, Research, Recap: http://azurelunatic.dreamwidth.org/6303016.html?thread=11302696#t11302696 #IranElection
- Monday, 1826: @shadesong I'm reminded of 9/11. We were so far away, but wanted to do something, anything; glued ourselves to screens. Today we can act.
- Monday, 1828: RT from Iran: "This is confirmed: They have ordered open fire on Tbriz!! PLEASE PPL we need to think of something BIG!!" #IranElection
- Monday, 2302: RT: @rowanthunder: Seriously #IranElection, #iran9, stop using the names of Iranians who are on Twitter. This is important.
- Monday, 2316: RT: @stephenfry: RT: pls get this out to your followers. #iranelection has been blocked in Iran. Switch to #Iranians , #Tehran, and #Iran9
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