- Sunday, 2356: @ataniell93 Not much.
- Monday, 0546: (I am not awake) i before e brouhaha: http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=1525
- Monday, 0930: Fandom meta: "Sexual Assault, Triggering, and Warnings: An Essay" Trigger warnings on essay. http://impertinence.livejournal.com/480847.html
- Monday, 0932: Pet peeve: renaming comment control text in LJ style. I don't care if it's in another language, just so long as it says what it is.
- Monday, 0946: Mr. Sarkozy, denying your citizens freedom of choice undermines their dignity. Just saying. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8112821.stm
- Monday, 1023: Westboro Baptist Church now including Jews in their hate. http://www.splcenter.org/blog/2009/06/19/rabidly-anti-gay-westboro-baptist-church-now-targeting-jews/ #antisemitism #homophobia #nutcases
- Monday, 1042: We have graduated from pounding on the walls through a smell of paint or solvent to dropping things on the floor repeatedly.
- Monday, 1149: Potter: "Carrying Old Delicious Burdens": Minerva after the war and through and before it; Kingsley. http://asylums.insanejournal.com/hp_beholder/26993.html
- Monday, 1356: @ataniell93 They're all right as long as they say what they do. "Do you dare disturb the silence?" for comment? Yes.
- Monday, 1411: @ataniell93 But something like "Bird to nest from wandering wide" does not say "leave a comment here" to me.
- Monday, 1412: @kestrelct It's an exceedingly small world, especially for the Fellowship of the I Did Not Necessarily Need To See That In Chocolate.
- Monday, 1435: @trobadora in other words, LH can suck my sparkly green strap-on, and e----- is still banned from everything.
- Monday, 1436: @ZorkFox Wireless internet and cordless phone by chance, or worse?
- Monday, 1510: @Trobadora I'm not taking the election particularly seriously; I don't think SUP will give them the power or listen.
- Monday, 1510: @Trobadora I just happen to personally loathe two of the failed candidates. :D
- Monday, 1557: Star Trek Reboot: "Ample Nacelles" Narada/Enterprise crack. http://rhaegal.dreamwidth.org/9439.html
- Monday, 1559: @Trobadora I must admit to wishing that the candidate on the lulz campaign would get banned from the internet for life.
- Monday, 1645: T @skramer BALLS http://dailybooth.com/nova/509772
- Monday, 1647: @Trobadora Let's see if we can pass this motion!
- Monday, 1744: RT @ataniell93: RT: Neda's fiance recounts her final hours&what happened afterwards (En): http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/8113552.stm #iranelection
- Monday, 1755: X-Files: "A Knife Into Play": Mulder and Scully talk around each other. http://amyhit.livejournal.com/20068.html
- Monday, 1832: @metaphorge Entirely! Marriage belongs to the people!
- Monday, 1847: @dianaramadani This image may give you bad cable flashbacks: http://pics.livejournal.com/azurelunatic/pic/000txg67
- Monday, 1900: Star Trek Reboot: "Innocence Lost" Chekov doubts. http://sundara.dreamwidth.org/750.html
- Monday, 1904: SPN: "Five Guns Dean Winchester Used to Have" (Dean wasn't allowed a water pistol.) http://rivkat.dreamwidth.org/227827.html#cutid1
- Monday, 1945: Best friend GMed Sunday; unfortunate 11 year old kid in party. Char had seduction stats. "Don't worry, my parents let me watch pornos..."
- Monday, 2009: (yay best friend; appx 50 minutes recap on the delightfully wrong group game saturday night with both his gaming groups)
- Monday, 2016: @mayerman http://journal.neilgaiman.com/2009/06/mourning-suit-and-green-goddess.html
- Monday, 2017: @ataniell93 Evidently gaming with this particular 11 year old is on the "never again" list; he has a deep & manly love for his friend but NO
- Monday, 2017: @ataniell93 (the 11 year old is said friend's cousin or some such)
- Monday, 2029: RT @hakeber53714: RT Iran: So this is what is going on behind the scene. Please read: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/jun/22/mojtaba-khamenei-iran-protest #iranelection
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