- Monday, 0239: ....*heee* http://www.smellofbooks.com/
- Monday, 0239: aww, dang, a product recall. :( http://insider.prismdurosport.com/inside-durosport/about-the-smell-of-books-product-recall/
- Monday, 0258: Still feeling weirdly cherished after the Paraguay comment.
- Monday, 0315: note to self: apparently the best friend would be delighted if you started watching Bones so he can squee at you.
- Monday, 0909: @salanaland I don't think he protects others from pineapples. He also protects me from bell peppers on pizza, though!
- Monday, 0910: The Walkman, as reviewed by a 13 year old: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/8117619.stm
- Monday, 0927: @FranziskaKurtz I don't know if I'd wind up teaching a kid about ancient media if I had one. My virtual nephew born 1996 knows VCR but...
- Monday, 0928: SG wedding cake! It is pretty! And they are not naked in the gate room! http://io9.com/photogallery/weddingcaketoppergallery/1009019013
- Monday, 0932: @coffeechica Awwwww! Adorable!
- Monday, 0939: Well, "not specified" is better than WRONG. http://www.thelocal.se/20232/20090623/
- Monday, 0942: @salanaland Oh dear; I do not think I got that far. In that case I think I will not read Folie a Deux.
- Monday, 0951: @salanaland Your poor headsnape! It must be so much worse for you, having a headsnape and all.
- Monday, 0951: "Headsnape" is still one of my new favorite words.
- Monday, 1012: RT @sarahreesbrenna: Just read KISS OF LIFE by Daniel Waters. The long wait is over: finally, a book delivers me a zombie make-out scene!
- Monday, 1019: @durandal15873 @mayerman One of the Amusing Underwear Theatre underpants in action! (holy g-d not safe for work) http://sfist.com/2009/06/29/even_more_sf_gay_pride_photos.php?gallery0Pic=17#gallery
- Monday, 1050: FMA: "DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT HATE WINRY. THIS IS ONLY A JOKE. SOME OF YOU ARE RATHER SENSITIVE." http://sonicrocksmysocks.deviantart.com/art/Fullmetal-Alchemist-meets-AOL-24939128
- Monday, 1307: Oh dear. "Web Site Story"; web 2.0 musical. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1913584
- Monday, 1508: @salanaland Not a bit.
- Monday, 1512: Autism research, fun with genes http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2009/06/researchers-minor-genetic-flaws-may-combine-to-cause-autism.ars
- Monday, 1527: Lessons learned from @dreamwidth: "It works better if you restart shit."
- Monday, 1534: General: from Mark of @dreamwidth: don't ask for your OpenIDs to be suspended; they're not doing that; there's a bug filed for a tool.
- Monday, 1536: (this last #dreamwidth PSA is brought to us via IRC, Mark's patience, and 2 emails on the same topic within 10 minutes.)
- Monday, 1552: Slashdot: China bans virtual goods sold for real money (like gold farming): http://games.slashdot.org/story/09/06/29/1839205/China-Bans-Gold-Farming
- Monday, 1556: RT: @oxfordgirl: Imp. UK Guardian paper asks help put a face to dead and detained http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/interactive/2009/jun/29/iran-election-dead-detained V IMP RT #iranelection #iran #gr88
- Monday, 1557: @zarhooie mentioned military telemarketers; I told the story of one calling for my sister: http://azurelunatic.livejournal.com/2712422.html
- Monday, 1610: @google Why does gmail associate sponsored links about anorexia with LiveJournal?
- Monday, 1621: RT @oxfordgirl: Can confirm persiankiwi is the real persiankiwi and is safe. RT RT RT Rt #IranElection #iran #gr88
- Monday, 1630: @teshiron @gameboyguy13 What was that horrible site that was similar to http://trackybirthday.com ?
- Monday, 1630: RT: @ataniell93: Imp. UK Guardian paper asks help put a face to dead and detained http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/interactive/2009/jun/29/iran-election-dead-detained V IMP RT RT #iranelection #iran #gr88
- Monday, 1638: Iowa gubernatorial candidate Bob Vander Plaats running on a homophobic platform: http://news.yahoo.com/s/advocate/20090629/ts_advocate/ia_gubernatorial_hopeful_ban_samesex_marriage
- Monday, 1641: Oh hell no, WFLA. Anti-gay specials are not cool. http://news.yahoo.com/s/advocate/20090629/ts_advocate/florida_nbc_affiliate_airs_antigay_special_
- Monday, 1644: The docadmin weekend brought us http://www.havenworks.com/ as well as http://trackybirthday.com as examples of MyLiveFacePage & Web 2.0 woes
- Monday, 1649: @mayerman Isn't it great? Also, see the "my eyes! they burn!" tag on $offdutycomm
- Monday, 1713: book shaped objects http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=103327927
- Monday, 1714: RT: @StopAhmadi: Situation in Tehrn hasn't calmed down v/much. Ppl still chanting @ nights, loudr & loudr n furious. #iranelection
- Monday, 1721: Clocks vs. Shiny Disco Balls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaanTw9-2C0
(via IRC) - Monday, 1737: RT @ataniell93: http://sabinelagrande.livejournal.com/210405.html RT @dr_dr_mckay PLZ RT (SGA tweetfic)
- Monday, 1740: @popefelix #inksome announced as planned for #dreamwidth import: http://dw-news.dreamwidth.org/8214.html
- Monday, 1844: @timoreilly And yet your link is illustrative of why: it requires a paid pass to even read the article! <3
- Monday, 1948: @intimations I see what you mean. "Campier"?
- Monday, 1952: @emptybackpack Monday the 29th, last Monday in June.
- Monday, 1958: RT @timoreilly: Here's a free version of the pay-per article about students and citation http://chronicle.com/free/v55/i40/40oxford_google.htm (via RT @JasonCFowler)
- Monday, 2011: @scatterbeams Your part notice was "(Quit: Invalid version variable ¦Too many servers.¦)."
- Monday, 2035: @emptybackpack This is true! Also, it is That Idiot Shawn's birthday.
- Monday, 2123: RT @grantimahara: Stella Ruby born 11:35pm 6/28/09, 42 hrs of labor, weight: 8lbs12oz. Both Kari & baby in good health. #babywatch complete!
- Monday, 2139: Star Trek Reboot: Apparently "Discount Shot Night" is part of a *series*. !!! http://screamlet.livejournal.com/tag/series:+communication
- Monday, 2300: @Skud What a job >_<
- Monday, 2327: Star Trek Reboot: "Filial Piety" Spock's duty to help repopulate. FUCKING OW MAN. also nsfw. http://corpus-invictus.dreamwidth.org/3628.html
- Monday, 2327: @intrepia Be there or be square?
- Monday, 2332: Star Trek Reboot: "Just Lie Back &Think of the Federation" NSFW, aliens made them do it k/s http://ifyouweremine.livejournal.com/147588.html
- Monday, 2338: Star Trek Reboot, Musical AU: DEAR GOD WHAT IS THIS MESS. SFW, nsf brain. Sound of Music. http://community.livejournal.com/st_reboot/185475.html
- Monday, 2353: Star Trek Reboot/Sound of Music crack crossover part 2: http://community.livejournal.com/st_reboot/213987.html
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