- Tuesday, 0051: Star Trek Reboot: I don't even want to click the cut because it's advertised as a huge recs post of doom: http://betweenthebliss.livejournal.com/7845.html
- Tuesday, 0055: RT wnt fingerprint expert 2 examine Iran ballots - gov staff faked ballots using own prints on numerous ballots. #iranelection
- Tuesday, 0114: MIKE GOOD GOD MAN. (I did not need to know about your marriage ceremony.) (*scarred for life*)
- Tuesday, 0126: Why is Mike bothering me? Because of http://kagedtiger.livejournal.com/2928.html -- Star Trek Reboot, fic, pon farr in later bits, angst@1st
- Tuesday, 0128: Star Trek Reboot: "Future Bliss" (NSFW) This had me literally Not All Here. Kirk/Spock http://kagedtiger.livejournal.com/3499.html
- Tuesday, 0143: http://www.textsfromlastnight.com/view/49165
- Tuesday, 0144: (tfln) oh, they're hella funny from here, sir. http://www.textsfromlastnight.com/view/49150
- Tuesday, 0338: For my sanity, may have to stop reading people who use excessive abbreviations and netspeak.
- Tuesday, 0922: @gameboyguy13 hahahaha schadenfreude.
- Tuesday, 0924: #dailybooth I am deeply suspicious of this whole 'morning' thing. http://dailybooth.com/azurelunatic/544480
- Tuesday, 0927: #bart RT @All4RunBartRun No Strike! BART Trains Keep Rolling thru July 1. BART workers' contract extended to 7/9/09 at midnight
- Tuesday, 0928: (via @androshd) #bart negotiations in the news: http://cbs5.com/local/bart.contract.talks.2.1064961.html
- Tuesday, 0934: "The development of laziness is better proof of AI than the Turing Test. ;)" -- Alice, on Facebook
- Tuesday, 0955: In the course of my Russian-via-SUP studies: 'Pancake' vs. 'fuck' http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=1223971 & http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=76323
- Tuesday, 1124: @asp1125 That's not so good. :(
- Tuesday, 1125: RT: @donttrythis: 3 days left to buy a piece of Gen-U-Wine Adam and Jamie built hardware for yourself! (Ebay) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150354123492&ssPageName=ADME:L:LCA:US:1123
- Tuesday, 1136: Baidu 10 Mythical Creatures http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baidu_10_Mythical_Creatures
- Tuesday, 1211: @nudaydreamer @intrepia 'not crazy just a little bit' is the suggestion for larger icon file sizes. Just in case you were wondering.
- Tuesday, 1228: Star Trek Reboot: "Stars Apart, Shine the Same" NSFW. Kirk is losing it. K/S; IPA mention ;) http://sineala.livejournal.com/948266.html
- Tuesday, 1250: "experimental Masturbation MacGuyver stage" http://community.livejournal.com/writing_sex/105305.html?thread=1349465#t1349465
- Tuesday, 1330: Sometimes if you can't understand the writing ... it's not just you. http://notalwaysright.com/lol-omg-grandma-read-the-faq/2155
- Tuesday, 1344: Oh, CTY, how I miss you. http://www.overheardinnewyork.com/archives/019653.html
- Tuesday, 1352: If I were a duck, I might too. http://failblog.org/?p=21289
- Tuesday, 1358: ... ha. http://www.overheardintheoffice.com/archives/009406.html IMAP + HTTP = OTP
- Tuesday, 1431: RT: @StopAhmadi: Basij confessed being paid 200 000 Toman per day to work in Tehran (beating&chasing protesters). #iranelection
- Tuesday, 1432: If I'm flying to the moon and back, will mooncat beat me to the #moonfruit?
- Tuesday, 1433: @concertaholics I firmly believe that GD's "don't talk down about our products" policy for employees was made for WebSite Tonight.
- Tuesday, 1434: RT: @raaven: Human rights lawyer arrested in Iran today!!! Mohammad Mostafaei defended many juveniles on death row. http://blog.amnestyusa.org/deathpenalty/human-rights-death-penalty-lawyer-arrested-in-iran/
- Tuesday, 1439: @rynia I earwormed myself too!
- Tuesday, 1441: Mariah Carey doesn't look like she's wearing a binder in the hoodie shots. http://www.mtv.com/photos/mariah-carey-gets-masculine-for-obsessed-video/1614978/4012124/photo.jhtml
- Tuesday, 1442: @skramer I think so Brain, but how are we going to get the #moonfruit into the Skullbutt the Tormentor underpants?
- Tuesday, 1456: @skramer But they're pointing every way. How do I know which way the #moonfruit went?
- Tuesday, 1532: /me pantses @skramer looking for #moonfruit, finds only Amusing Underwear Theatre
- Tuesday, 1533: Internet cultural literacy: "The Terrible Secret of Space" -- useful for "for your own good" arguments. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/terriblesecret
- Tuesday, 1548: I got @earwormhole'd twice in #lj_s: http://earwormhole.dreamwidth.org/9159.html
- Tuesday, 1551: @emptybackpack You are! Master those dishes!
- Tuesday, 1559: @skramer Why did the priez department not include any #moonfruit? I am bummed out.
- Tuesday, 1604: @mayerman go, you!
- Tuesday, 1609: beginningcocks is fun for ... well, not the whole family. http://beginningcocks.dreamwidth.org/5232.html
- Tuesday, 1823: Vorkosigan: "Black Russian" (The Emperor's sobriety is overrated.) http://flourish.dreamwidth.org/436416.html
- Tuesday, 1833: Star Trek Reboot: "Evolution" 3/12; revisiting TOS episodes! http://rhaegal.dreamwidth.org/10609.html
- Tuesday, 1834: SG1: recommended to me by trixieleitz: http://astrogirl2.livejournal.com/tag/sg-1+fic
- Tuesday, 1845: to do: <^>lj_volunteers, suggestions, funtimes!
- Tuesday, 1950: @ataniell93 Oh I bet she did not.
- Tuesday, 1951: Star Trek Reboot: Did I rec this already? Possibly? It's still good. Can be read as gen. http://black-eyedgirl.livejournal.com/113449.html
- Tuesday, 2000: Star Trek Reboot: "The best laid plans of Starfleet Captains." Marriage ftw. :D http://ethrosdemon.livejournal.com/513629.html
- Tuesday, 2010: Star Trek Reboot: long-titled Kirk/McCoy, nsfw, Definite Kink Going On Here. http://ethrosdemon.livejournal.com/514796.html
- Tuesday, 2047: Attention: @zarhooie needs a cheesemoose. Please to make this happen.
- Tuesday, 2050: @Scatterbeams Cheese Moose. There is a song about the hunt for the noble and rare cheesemoose. She sang it to me. Now she wants one.
- Tuesday, 2121: "Cheesemoose hunt" is a camp song: http://www.scoutorama.com/song/song_display.cfm?song_id=87
(@mamadeb, I didn't know it either) - Tuesday, 2122: there are also lyrics in here that seem to be, er, somewhat better: http://www.pack-troop53.org/cs_files/Misc%20Documents/Pack%2053%20songbook.pdf #cheesemoose
- Tuesday, 2124: Going on a #moonfruit hunt. Going to pick a big one. I'm not afraid. Look! Spammers! Can't go over the spammers. Got to go *through*...
- Tuesday, 2125: @mayerman Congratulations!
- Tuesday, 2128: @ms_treesap Try a traceroute to see if there's an obvious problem? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traceroute
- Tuesday, 2135: Need to make a suggestion about a more fun suspended/deleted page: Frank nomming deleted; Frank standing w/lowered head on journals suspend?
- Tuesday, 2147: @skramer Do your #moonfruit hang low, do they wobble to and fro?
- Tuesday, 2151: @mayerman @skramer had a John Mayer question about a possible cover of California Dreamin'? Possibly with #moonfruit.
- Tuesday, 2151: @Scatterbeams I think that might be a little over the top.
- Tuesday, 2152: @davidalexanderm Hee!
- Tuesday, 2155: @skramer I can fly you to the #moonfruit *and back*; most people can't guarantee that second part.
- Tuesday, 2157: @beckyzoole Oh, yes, excellent. Totally Frank pulling LJ t-shirts off a clothes line.
- Tuesday, 2200: @Scatterbeams I'm having a bit of a crisis of ... something. Doesn't even dent on the psych definition of "crisis" though, just mild WTF.
- Tuesday, 2205: @Scatterbeams Google Documents includes a word counter
- Tuesday, 2210: torture in Iran. http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2009-06-26/inside-khameneis-police-state/full/
- Tuesday, 2233: @skramer Is that a burma shave thing? What I said back there about "and back" with the #moonfruit and all?
- Tuesday, 2233: No, really time to go out and get a damn loaf of bread.
- Tuesday, 2319: @seoc It's not such weird hours here -- it's still before midnight! Plus I have a car!
- Tuesday, 2320: @skramer All prizes should include fruit of some kind, even if it is not #moonfruit.
- Tuesday, 2332: @seoc Aha, yes, if you are ... wait, I got you mixed up with @scatterbeams for a minute there >_< ... yes, it helps. Bus schedules bite.
- Tuesday, 2332: @niqaeli Could be two kittens? Or two kittens and a toddler?
- Tuesday, 2332: @sleevewornheart Don't do that.
- Tuesday, 2343: Possibility that Tetris/similar games can interfere with formation of traumatic memories: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7813637.stm
- Tuesday, 2344: If I'm ever traumatized, please set me down in front of Bejeweled or something, because I'd be willing to try that to help prevent worse.
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