- Sunday, 0449: @gameboyguy13 weeeeeird. me either
- Sunday, 0500: bitterness. http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20030430
- Sunday, 0544: Earwormed! http://earwormhole.dreamwidth.org/9380.html
- Sunday, 0545: @phoenixdreaming Gee, that would explain the Indy cat...
- Sunday, 0615: #braindump why indeed, because it's getting perilously into the "things that I cannot stand" territory.
- Sunday, 0620: http://www.danah.org/papers/talks/PDF2009.html
- Sunday, 0717: Why? http://www.jerkcity.com/jerkcity2187.html THIS IS WHY. http://qdb.zhzh.org/support/136
- Sunday, 0722: IN THE WILD PLACES http://www.jerkcity.com/jerkcity2183.html
- Sunday, 0726: Needed: a LJ Dystopia site scheme icon.
- Sunday, 0741: I think this is the event they are attending: http://www.tangoweek.com/event_info.html
- Sunday, 0750: We have a @jonathancoulton interview from NYC local TV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjGlX4RM1NA
- Sunday, 0802: I do not know why Jerk City's character Ozone reminds me of Dreamwidth's Mark a bit. (Not much. But a bit.)
- Sunday, 0819: This is, indeed, how Mythbusters do their thing: http://twitpic.com/9culg
- Sunday, 0826: My skin is fair enough that when my pores hate me, there is no hiding it.
- Sunday, 0931: #dailybooth Me & my aunt's lab http://dailybooth.com/azurelunatic/565418
- Sunday, 1013: I was riding along with my father and sister on a road trip to help some friends transport some horses http://diddit.com/r/tmqzdr
- Sunday, 1016: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/01435/sign5_1435120i.jpg
- Sunday, 1058: http://www.textsfromlastnight.com/view/49449
- Sunday, 1158: oh dear. http://community.livejournal.com/bad_sex/3901853.html
- Sunday, 1233: All is well. I got the poodle to do the figure 8 trick with me. Deacon seems to be comfortable. Gave him meds at 11.
- Sunday, 1250: Opera! http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/margie_boule/index.ssf/2009/07/portlands_operaman_becomes_a_h.html
- Sunday, 1300: @isabeautiful #moonfruit is a mythical fruit only grown by the 13th full moon. Also an entry to a contest for a macbook.
- Sunday, 1359: Dominoes. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,615014,00.html
- Sunday, 1400: cadt bugfixing http://www.jwz.org/doc/cadt.html
- Sunday, 1411: Crabs (a mouthful of them) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3jFTzhdZF4&NR=1
- Sunday, 1712: RT: @StopAhmadi: It's confirmed that male prisoners are getting raped inside Evin prison in Tehran. #iranelection
- Sunday, 1713: RT: @StopAhmadi: To the world: "the guys we just executed were drug traffickers" To prisoners: "if u protest like these guys, we execute u".
- Sunday, 1714: RT: @austinheap: From confirmed source: yesterday 6 ppl hanged in Evin in front of other prisoners & they say 2 prisoners we hang all of you
- Sunday, 1717: @grantimahara It's only the Apple headquarters that are on Infinite Loop. ;)
- Sunday, 1731: Garlic bread is not lube.
- Sunday, 1732: ...HEY FAIRLIGHT, my cousin claims undergraduates are lube >_<
- Sunday, 1758: wtf lyrics http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/d/dance_gavin_dance/lemon_meringue_tie.html
- Sunday, 1918: I'm at Pacifica - http://bkite.com/09hX0
- Sunday, 1920: I'm at Trader Joe's - http://bkite.com/09hX7
- Sunday, 1959: I'm at Pacifica - http://bkite.com/09i0X
- Sunday, 2001: RT: @austinheap: From confirmed source: Bodies brought in by gov't trucks and dumped to be buried w/o ceremony. #Iran #iranelection
- Sunday, 2004: @ladyofthelog He's not a very experimentally minded dog either. Except if it's food. He'll try that.
- Sunday, 2006: @eng1ne The inappropriately late hours probably contribute to the amount of screaming.
- Sunday, 2032: @grantimahara It seems that Basic Instructions approves of your robot aesthetics. http://basicinstructions.net/?p=1127
- Sunday, 2033: @pir_anha My cousin has joined me in the lube/not lube game. He thinks that undergraduates are lube, however.
- Sunday, 2034: @salanaland Indeed. Although I do have, now, a mental image of unbaked garlic bread with plenty of butter being smeared on the, er, poky end
- Sunday, 2034: @Scatterbeams Blue lube would be fun though.
- Sunday, 2037: Adam Lambert as a model for Albus Severus Potter? I could see that.
- Sunday, 2126: @pir_anha The very same cousin!
- Sunday, 2127: Star Trek Reboot: "The Way We Were", K/S, mind the warnings http://waketosleep.dreamwidth.org/9385.html
- Sunday, 2141: RT @popelizbet: Apparently the light bulb in the big back room is actually CRACKED. #goingtoburnthisplacedownaroundmyears
- Sunday, 2218: I cannot stop watching this. (condom advert) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8447884922563050759
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