- Wednesday, 0409: #dailybooth It is too early to be up. & testing http://dailybooth.com/azurelunatic/679118
- Wednesday, 0458: Delicious: No Loyalty in the Moonlight, a Harry Potter fanfic - FanFiction.Net: weird/dark/interesting. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3202029/1/No_Loyalty_in_the_Moonlight
- Wednesday, 0654: Runway + highway = OTP http://www.slightlywarped.com/crapfactory/curiosities/2009/gibraltarairport.htm
- Wednesday, 0655: @fairlight777 At least it doesn't ring as well.
- Wednesday, 0812: @StaceyUK Hmm, I see that http://kate-nepveu.livejournal.com/ has been using it recently; perhaps inquire with her?
- Wednesday, 0824: Delicious: little blue cupcake on Flickr: Blue icing! Sprinkles! http://www.flickr.com/photos/o_hai/3054482558/
- Wednesday, 1001: @semanticist Who, R L S? He has a history of acting like an ass in public. There was a bit of a dust-up with him in my LJ years back.
- Wednesday, 1006: RT @semanticist women sysadmins are rarer than you'd expect... Could it be beard-related? http://twitter.com/semanticist/statuses/2911436795
- Wednesday, 1013: @semanticist I have no idea where it actually is anymore. I have been intermittently & fruitlessly searching for it for the past couple days
- Wednesday, 1049: @semanticist I've been using Dreamwidth search on my import, actually. THEY HAVE SEARCH NOW.
- Wednesday, 1050: This makes me happy. I have no idea who Peter Pan Guy is though. http://www.urlesque.com/2009/07/27/peter-pan-got-married-internet-legends-online-wedding-album/
- Wednesday, 1053: Delicious: Couple Weds While Covered in Bees - Asylum.com: "Li Wenhua and Yan Hongxia, who'v.. http://www.asylum.com/2009/07/27/couple-weds-while-covered-in-bees/
- Wednesday, 1115: @amberfoxfire °
- Wednesday, 1124: Delicious: Wedding Streaked in Revenge Prank - Asylum.com http://www.asylum.com/2009/07/15/wedding-streaked-in-revenge-prank/
- Wednesday, 1124: Delicious: How (And Why) To Set A Drink On Fire - AskMen.com: "Blow the shot out before you shoot.. http://www.askmen.com/fine_living/wine_dine_archive_300/303_how-and-why-to-set-drinks-on-fire.html
- Wednesday, 1153: Delicious: d20 Handbag of Holding: How to build it - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories: Pattern for a d2.. http://www.evilmadscientist.com/article.php/d20bag
- Wednesday, 1153: Delicious: New and improved d12 bag: How to build it - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories: Pattern for a .. http://www.evilmadscientist.com/article.php/d12bagv2instrux
- Wednesday, 1153: Delicious: Lady Paperclip's Second-Hand Bookshop - "Saving The World (And Other Extreme Sports)", Prim.. http://paperclipbitch.livejournal.com/123117.html
- Wednesday, 1153: Delicious: STFU, Marrieds - anonymous: passing the torch (WTF, wtf, wt*f*): The ex-husband passes the .. http://stfumarrieds.tumblr.com/post/148501266/anonymous
- Wednesday, 1159: oh god oh god oh god, I am going to be good and I am not going to do any LAUGHING or CRINGING in public.
- Wednesday, 1326: cannot. stop. laughing. in no way is this at all sfw. http://wildammo.com/2009/07/27/unusual-paintings-of-obama-naked-with-unicorns/ WITH BONUS HOUSE.
- Wednesday, 1356: Torn between attempting to educate the great&powerful Oz in the ways of OpenID or helping entry stay sane. (oh rls no iow.)
- Wednesday, 1418: I'm at Skyline Blvd & Fort Funston Rd, San Francisco, CA , United States - http://bkite.com/0a9ue
- Wednesday, 1536: I'm at Trader Joe's - http://bkite.com/0a9Co
- Wednesday, 1554: "Poodle, stop humping!" count today: 1. Trader Joe's is exciting. Also the lab is not cleared for humping.
- Wednesday, 1632: todo: suggestion: notify me when I vote in a poll (link me to the poll, remind me what I voted).
- Wednesday, 1638: @sftim2009 I got a pineapple instead.
- Wednesday, 1639: I'm at Pacifica - http://bkite.com/0a9JF
- Wednesday, 1652: Back from walkies! Tomorrow starts the several days of dogsitting marathon!
- Wednesday, 1706: @gameboyguy13 If he's in your arms, why are you on Twitter? :-P
- Wednesday, 1712: @gameboyguy13 Sex0ring and Twittering is as bad as sex0ring and LJing.
- Wednesday, 1728: http://www.scene.org/redhound/AYB.swf Ahh, nostalgia. (PEOPLE WHO ARE 13 HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THIS OMG WHAT.)
- Wednesday, 1728: @ladyofthelog Words, like violence, break the silence
- Wednesday, 1807: @gameboyguy13 I am trying, but she was traumatized by the clean version of "I'm On A Boat" and no longer trusts my links in general.
- Wednesday, 1809: If it were not from 1994 I would try and hunt this teacher down to give hell. RT: @salanaland: Stupidest. Teacher. EVAR. http://emailsfromcrazypeople.com/2009/07/29/old-school-anger/
- Wednesday, 1827: @fairlight777 Mostly it is making me start to feel old, because I realize that things that were fresh when I was 20 are now 9 years old.
- Wednesday, 1830: @fairlight777 If that was a comment you left, I don't think it's out of moderation yet.
- Wednesday, 1834: Owww my knees are not happy with this afternoon's walk. I don't think my face is happy either (was there really that much sun?)
- Wednesday, 1842: #dailybooth Facewise, damage report from the walk and/or washcloth-related scrubbery: forehead, empinkened;... http://dailybooth.com/azurelunatic/682702
- Wednesday, 1923: "please do not post in all caps; it looks like screaming (& hardly helps when the person you are screaming at is right and you are wrong.)"
- Wednesday, 1942: Introduced aunt to the concept of "genderqueer" today, while explaining the fallout from OSCON.
- Wednesday, 1942: RT @bos31337 Skud's Law: any attempt to discuss online gender equality in an unmod'd forum will immed'ly flush out unapologetic choadmonkeys
- Wednesday, 1943: @seoc In part! Especially if it is chocolate on something, like strawberries, apples, grapes, bacon.
- Wednesday, 1944: @Scatterbeams I hugged the poodle for you!
- Wednesday, 1948: Aunt: "They can stuff that right up their nose, along with their teeny-weeny weenies!" (Cue 5 minutes of uproarious laughter from us both)
- Wednesday, 1953: Delicious: Slacktivist: Reporting the Controversy http://slacktivist.typepad.com/slacktivist/2009/07/reporting-the-controversy.html
- Wednesday, 2022: Proud of self for successful pattern recognition between something yesterday on the one IRC network, and today on the other.
- Wednesday, 2052: Delicious: Transderivational search - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transderivational_search
- Wednesday, 2052: Delicious: Omnot Here - 'nother analogy re gender balance debate: "She *sob* hit me *sob* back!&q.. http://omnot.livejournal.com/230012.html
- Wednesday, 2053: Do I have the attention & appetite to make something to eat before I fall over? (Ruled out additional grocery shopping on grounds of LOLNO.)
- Wednesday, 2057: @Samuraiko It's only going to be magnified by Twitter, sadly.
- Wednesday, 2138: Located old DADA professor on Facebook.
- Wednesday, 2143: Dude, that has to be some pretty nasty perfume to clear a building like that. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8175759.stm
- Wednesday, 2148: @mayerman Network security, counter-cracking, encouragement to know the mind of a black hat ...
- Wednesday, 2222: Delicious: sid | Taking prompts, people http://sid.dreamwidth.org/163092.html?thread=3039764#ljcmt3039764
- Wednesday, 2233: @skramer Network security, counter-cracking, encouragement to know the mind of a black hat ...
- Wednesday, 2326: *conk*
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