- Saturday, 0012: http://dw-nifty.dreamwidth.org/3415.html Dreamwidth greasemonkey script for expand/collapse/remove posts from reading list.
- Saturday, 1025: #dailybooth Mmm, Saturday. http://dailybooth.com/u/kxn1
- Saturday, 1304: http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2009/aug/28/vampire-endorsement-bronte-bestseller
...the reviewers' comments are the BEST EVER. - Saturday, 1319: @gameboyguy13 inorite?
- Saturday, 1323: @gameboyguy13 And "mo*r*dern understandable English", at that.
- Saturday, 1513: I'm at Daly City Bart - http://bkite.com/0by9R
- Saturday, 1530: Amazingly, as late as i am, I am not the last to be arriving.
- Saturday, 1628: I'm at San Francisco - http://bkite.com/0byiy
- Saturday, 1817: Headed to signing now. Had dinner with JD and Tupshin and Maiden and her consort.
- Saturday, 1849: Getting wrist slammed in bus door is fun for the whole family.
- Saturday, 2018: I'm at San Francisco - http://bkite.com/0byIX
- Saturday, 2020: Party for Seanan McGuire's new book going strong. - San Francisco, , , - http://bkite.com/0byJc
- Saturday, 2023: Very cute guy here but he looks taken. Am enjoying the whole bookstore party ambience.
- Saturday, 2259: I'm at Mission St & 16th St - http://bkite.com/0byXN
- Saturday, 2309: Turns out that if you have swallowed your pride and started to use a cane, guys on the BART platform will take one look at you & offer seat.
- Saturday, 2317: Wore my purple hat with all the badges to @seananmcguire's signing. Her mom had to read them. They are indeed pretty awesome.
- Saturday, 2319: I'm at Daly City Bart - http://bkite.com/0byZs
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