- Wednesday, 0017: @kestrelct heeeeeeeeee.
- Wednesday, 0149: To slip into something innocuous: "a self-portrait of Robert Mapplethorpe" as book or internet viewing that someone is doing.
- Wednesday, 0200: http://revision3.com/diggnation/dnadamsavage And here we have Diggnation, with guest appearance from @donttrythis! <3
- Wednesday, 0211: @gameboyguy13 *snerk*
- Wednesday, 0236: http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninscared/archives/2009/09/scifi_writer_da.php "I Will Not Read Your Fucking Script"
- Wednesday, 0255: todo: "Seven" (as covered by the Brown Derbies) on the Knightmares love story playlist.
- Wednesday, 0302: @tiferet93 Teshi: "MUST DESK NOW. DRIVE ME." Me: "Um, car? Desk?" JD: "Seat fold down?" Me: "3 people in car, desk!?" Teshi: "ZIPCAR HO!!"
- Wednesday, 0303: @tiferet93 So then they abducted me and there were hijinks with the GPS being waved out the window to get signal in Stanford.
- Wednesday, 0451: 54 m agoYale lab tech in custody in Annie Le slay - Newsday: Telegraph.co.uk54 m agoYale lab tech in custody in .. http://www.newsday.com/long-island/raymond-clark-yale-lab-tech-in-custody-in-annie-le-slay-1.1449054
- Wednesday, 0527: Re: LJ: I think I'm done yelling and swearing. Yes, I think I'm finished with yelling.
- Wednesday, 0530: http://wordpress.asc.upenn.edu/2009/08/twenty-six-lies-about-hr-3200/ I can yell about this instead. SANITY AND CRITICAL READING MY FRIENDS.
- Wednesday, 0532: @semanticist About five hours ago.
- Wednesday, 0537: @semanticist Ad banners, yes. An ad underlying the LJ logo on the top bar of the homepage, not so much.
- Wednesday, 0538: @semanticist By Whitaker's Mom, I had not expected that from them, and I am both gravely disappointed and becoming resigned.
- Wednesday, 0547: @semanticist US only -- patti has the banner up. http://patti.dreamwidth.org/657298.html -- and inevitable but I'd hoped.
- Wednesday, 0552: "It wasn't that we intended to build a search engine. We built a ranking system to deal with annotations." (Larr.. http://blogoscoped.com/archive/2009-09-16-n61.html
- Wednesday, 0552: TC50: Meet The Whuffie, A New Currency Thatâ™s Based On Your Online Reputation: Shared by Azure Lunatic Here come.. http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/09/15/tc50-meet-the-whuffie-a-new-currency-thats-based-on-your-online-reputation/
- Wednesday, 0603: @jennyst US-based IPs get served a custom site header on the homepage: X-Box 360 ad, with a quite pretty green circles background.
- Wednesday, 0620: I had been fussing.
- Wednesday, 1309: @semanticist The only way I can see of ethically *not* telling a child where meat comes from is if you're raising them vegetarian.
- Wednesday, 1317: X-Box ad still replacing top bar on LJ's home page (unpaid users, naturally). Am still staring in shock and bafflement.
- Wednesday, 1317: @ursamajor log out and hit the homepage.
- Wednesday, 1318: @Celtic_Maenad I don't know either, but there's a ticket in.
- Wednesday, 1325: @seananmcguire Harness the power of Boolean search and add "-invasion", perhaps?
- Wednesday, 1327: @tiferet93 That's surprising; I think we were talking in lolcat at the time. :D
- Wednesday, 1330: Private insurance kills. http://www.motherjones.com/mojo/2009/09/real-life-norma-rae-dies-after-battle-insurance-company
- Wednesday, 1336: ... !!! http://www.feminist.org/news/newsbyte/uswirestory.asp?id=11938
- Wednesday, 1407: RT: @intrepia: alw anncd sequel to phantom, to take place 10 yrs later in the story & debut in london next march.then they cut cake on stage
- Wednesday, 1409: @jenniferglenn10 LJ has had ads for quite some time, and foxfirefey of <^>no_lj_ads mentioned that they do say they sell this.
- Wednesday, 1412: @jenniferglenn10 Brad sold it out years ago, but I did not think it would go quite this far. At least it's not unethical (noise, malware).
- Wednesday, 1527: Mmm...Smoked Salmon...: Cashier #1: Tony was in here buying cigarettes, too.Cashier #2: Oh, really? Tony smokes?.. http://www.overheardintheoffice.com/archives/009892.html
- Wednesday, 1634: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IliwQImJrYE Did I link this on here yet? Final Countdown, cellos, orchestra, thorough rocking out.
- Wednesday, 1726: @sofiaviolet ... inside. INSIDE.
- Wednesday, 1806: #dailybooth #geekhousekeeping Protecting bluetooth headset from accidental switch-ons in my pocket with a... http://dailybooth.com/u/naj9
- Wednesday, 1829: I'm at Pacifica - http://bkite.com/0bV0K
- Wednesday, 2048: @spam @fcvtafmyf
- Wednesday, 2146: I'm at Pacifica - http://bkite.com/0bVgP
- Wednesday, 2222: http://kanyegate.tumblr.com/post/189600784 I'd like to see what Strongbad has to say about that.
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