- Tuesday, 0105: Brain has sent me into a state of nervous confusion re: men. Evidently I am not on the shelf as much as I would have wanted to be.
- Tuesday, 0217: Having a glass of butterbeer.
- Tuesday, 0236: @Hamface I'm my usual username on google reader.
- Tuesday, 0236: Thank you, my Lady, for the vote of confidence.
- Tuesday, 0244: the disaster sounds like a kind of flower, perhaps a variant of aster imported from a mirror universe
- Tuesday, 0421: signal boost: http://rb.dreamwidth.org/258703.html
- Tuesday, 0535: Ebooks making libraries popular again, can do nothing about your 80s scrunchie:
A few forward-thinking librari.. http://www.engadget.com/2009/10/27/ebooks-making-libraries-popular-again-can-do-nothing-about-your/ - Tuesday, 0547: Potter, NSFW: hd_career_fair: FIC: Forbidden Magic http://icio.us/vltelb
- Tuesday, 0633: Five Days Later: (Pawn Shop | Bellingham, WA, USA)(A customer in their 50s walks into my pawn shop, which sells.. http://notalwaysright.com/five-days-later/2904
- Tuesday, 0828: I. Hate. My. Sleep. Schedule. *stabs*
- Tuesday, 0829: @bethanyeason Sounds like she wants to keep you in the loop at least.
- Tuesday, 0830: @Celtic_Maenad Many religions!
- Tuesday, 1538: @coffeechica Hooray!
- Tuesday, 1540: RT: @FakeAPStylebook: A "cougar" is a large cat native to North America. An older woman who pursues a younger man is "embarrassing herself."
- Tuesday, 1543: @pir_anha Thanks!
- Tuesday, 1609: Just managed to earworm myself with "War Is A Science" by saluting @coffeechica in IRC. Filk is commencing in my head. Send pleh.
- Tuesday, 1650: Allergic to crack = don't smoke it? Right? http://www.ertards.com/view/Funny/815
- Tuesday, 1652: http://www.ertards.com/view/Sex/800 better advice was never given. (NSFW text.)
- Tuesday, 1711: @etacanis Remember, a safe sound has a thing at the end so it won't go in too far.
- Tuesday, 1726: Some "things we have learned the hard way" in boilingwater: http://boilingwater.dreamwidth.org/5085.html
- Tuesday, 1740: #dailybooth Denise is going to killz me for suggesting 'nudge' on her site. :D http://dailybooth.com/u/wcbo
- Tuesday, 1752: oh dear, I have been jumping in terror when my cellphone text message goes off. Stupid vibrate feature.
- Tuesday, 1936: Helping JD pick out Edward Cullen makeup.
- Tuesday, 2119: Right now @Teshiron and @gameboyguy13 are putting together the bed from @androshd and @malerin. Their heart will go on. PIZZA TIME.
- Tuesday, 2119: @tiferet93 Absolutely wasted this weekend sounds like a good choice.
- Tuesday, 2143: http://icanhascheezburger.com/2007/04/18/pew-pew-pew/ @zarhooie has made redshirt @Teshiron ded.
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