- Wednesday, 0212: @niqaeli Now I'm seeing someone swinging around a blacklight-reactive penis at a rave. Thanks.
- Wednesday, 0400: Mark Reads 'Twilight' PrefaceChapter 1 - Buzznet -- this dude did not like these books. At all. http://markreadstwilight.buzznet.com/user/journal/4400301/
- Wednesday, 0406: zzzthunk.
- Wednesday, 0858: @rynia Fur. It insulates as well as looking decorative!
- Wednesday, 0901: @coffeechica four four three three two two one!
- Wednesday, 0902: @FakeAPStylebook Not a reptilian?
- Wednesday, 1045: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_9vy1guTcg Bert and Ernie. Onna BOAT.
- Wednesday, 1048: http://jezebel.com/5416119/oh-yeah-male-student-calls-wellesley-women-bunch-of-whores ... just what, dude. >_<
- Wednesday, 1049: memetic prophylactic recommended for that last link; it's jezebel.com but the thing they're sporking is just so O_o.
- Wednesday, 1102: waketosleep | Star Trek: Cum Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc: sfw, humor, Kirk/Spock + science!!! http://waketosleep.dreamwidth.org/18926.html
- Wednesday, 1106: todo: see if I have anything to submit for these. http://drolleriepress.com/drollerie/submit/open-anthologies/
- Wednesday, 1351: Funtimes when preparing for interview: notice two broken buttons on jacket, realize eyeshadow thingy is disintegrating, & stocking run. >_<
- Wednesday, 1353: You wouldn't think it would be so hard to find 2 black socks that match when you only have black socks.
- Wednesday, 1356: @seananmcguire I know mhwest just put something up in lj_maintenance about scrapbook maintenance. :(
- Wednesday, 1359: @LiveJournal <3
- Wednesday, 1403: @ragnelldotorg It's just a basket of chips, and like most baskets of chips there's a time and a place when it's perfect.
- Wednesday, 1404: @sarahreesbrenna I shamefully confess that @legomymalfoy got me hooked on one of her songs, the "I just can't wait to see you again" one
- Wednesday, 1406: Matching black socks found. My shoes are kind of ... not very femme, huh.
- Wednesday, 1552: Major Craigslist fail at interview. I was interviewing for a whole different job than they were offering.
- Wednesday, 1558: Incompetence rather than malice. The dude realized there had been massive miscommunication & said he would consider for admin later.
- Wednesday, 1733: @fairlight777 You're in good hands there. ...I should also poke you with my flight info tomorrow, huh.
- Wednesday, 1734: @fairlight777 You think it's worrying that they talk about you, then they stop talking about you & it's worse, eh?
- Wednesday, 1736: @gils9965 I think it was more embarrassing to them this time. Somewhere along the line I took levels in Unflappable.
- Wednesday, 1738: @tiferet93 They are all almost the same color of black knee-high stocking, too. Just slightly different lengths and textures.
- Wednesday, 1742: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dizbuster319/3937400001/ Jayne Austen Book & Gun Club: "Pride & Extreme Prejudice" (RT from various) <3 <3 <3
- Wednesday, 1745: RT: @gorman: For the sake of everyone around you, please don't eat your tuna on the plane. #complainfromaplane
- Wednesday, 1746: @semanticist Seconded. So very seconded.
- Wednesday, 1748: @tiferet93 I try to buy the same brand and style but this does not always work.
- Wednesday, 1749: @molly23 http://twitpic.com/rwio7 - This is genius.
- Wednesday, 1800: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn18205-rainbow-trapped-for-the-first-time.html Trapping rainbows!
- Wednesday, 1835: @afuna No innuendo, just smelly foods on the airplane are scary stuff.
- Wednesday, 1924: My aunt has finally given up on the idea of not checking a bag. She thought she could pull 2 weeks with just carry-on. Good luck w/that...
- Wednesday, 2103: @gameboyguy13 Plus your carry-on is HUGE.
- Wednesday, 2105: @fairlight777 I wear stockings, shorts, panties, a skirt, a bra, a top, and a light jacket. Long skirts take up room.
- Wednesday, 2107: @dgou Fortunately there's not all that much I need to bring. No special outfits, no weird equipment. Clothes, shower gear, laptop, books.
- Wednesday, 2121: @fairlight777 She is more likely to pack Coordinated Outfits. Mine are generally completely interchangeable because they're all black.
- Wednesday, 2125: Called Mama because I have not been talking to her enough lately. Chattered about chicken camp plans.
- Wednesday, 2125: @tiferet93 This is very true.
- Wednesday, 2327: http://community.livejournal.com/changelog/7899954.html Oooo.
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