- Friday, 0102: @ladyofthelog If you're tired enough, 'vgift' and 'vagina' share enough letters to be mistaken for each other. #lj_userdoc
- Friday, 1208: Cherie Priest » Control (things authors do and don't have a major say in) http://www.cheriepriest.com/2010/01/20/control/
- Friday, 1215: http://www10.nytimes.com/2006/11/08/dining/081mrex.html?_r=5
- Friday, 1328: One Man, One Mouse, Three Hours [Image Cache]: It only took graphic designer Anatoly Zenkov a few hours of P... http://gizmodo.com/5454172/one-man-one-mouse-three-hours?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+gizmodo%2Ffull+%28Gizmodo%29
- Friday, 1404: Goat Smashes Through Doors Of Strip Club: Shared by Azure Lunatic
Frank? Something you need to tell us?
... http://sfist.com/2010/01/19/goat_smashes_through_doors_of_palm.php - Friday, 1414: RT @Wordweaverlynn: RT @AdamGSanford: If you are #glbt and have experienced any form of violence related to your orientation, RT this w/ ...
- Friday, 1418: #1in5 #lgbt #violence A friend ripped up my Day of Silence printed card. I'm llucky. No one has physically hurt me.
- Friday, 1426: RT @irohawk: The neighbor with the rooster now has at least three. They were attempting harmony this morning.
- Friday, 1435: Hooray Firefox crash. I think Mibbit and the Discovery Channel didn't like each other.
- Friday, 1436: @gameboyguy13 Oh, I didn't even think to count the vandalism and removal of the club posters. #1in5
- Friday, 1444: @irohawk That Idiot Shawn. He thought the Day of Silence was a stunt I'd thought up myself and was angry. After he learned it was organized
- Friday, 1445: @irohawk ... he was sorry. I almost cut off contact with him for that. Was planning to unless he apologized, which he did the next day.
- Friday, 1446: @tiferet93 That Idiot Shawn. It was one of the worse incidents in our long and rocky Thing in high school.
- Friday, 1447: The "friend" was That Idiot Shawn, which explains a lot right there. It wasn't so much anti-LGBTQ as it was anti-me-doing-publicity-stunts.
- Friday, 1448: @gameboyguy13 You think today is going to go on long enough that I should come down? I am dithering.
- Friday, 1450: Shawn and I are speaking again (that was not the final straw, his 1st marriage was), at a rate of a few times a year. 1 time this past year.
- Friday, 1817: Planning dinner with @gameboyguy13 & @teshiron during the planned LJ downtime in an hour.
- Friday, 1850: Reminder: #LiveJournal planned maintenance window, possible 3 hours down, starting in 10 minutes. Load your fic, find your friends, grab IRC
- Friday, 1850: @tiferet93 M, I believe
- Friday, 1851: @flourish *sits with you*
- Friday, 1853: @metaphorge Break a dye packet! I <3 blue hair so.
- Friday, 1853: RT: @gameboyguy13: "Are hate crimes illegal in California?" "I believe *crimes* are illegal in California." #prop8 (court LOLed a lot)
- Friday, 1854: RT: @metaphorge: Cackling is underrated as a form of expression.
- Friday, 1921: @downrightnow #LiveJournal's having scheduled maintenance, maintenance window lasts another 2 hours 40 minutes.
- Friday, 1922: @iamtensai Planned maintenance, should be back within 3 hours. (I'm a volunteer & craftily planned a pizza party with my little bro for now)
- Friday, 1925: #LiveJournal planned maintenance is underway, planned to be back up by 10pm Pacific time. Good time for a book, bubble bath, pizza party.
- Friday, 2007: Hey @teshiron your doorbell is still broken.
- Friday, 2020: @deathbysarcasm Another hour and forty.
- Friday, 2036: @dgou He's grown up a lot, happily. It was a ... dodgy ... friendship. It's much better now that there are BOUNDARIES.
- Friday, 2037: @deathbysarcasm I do recommend reading lj_maintenance, once it comes back up; they're full of fun things like this.
- Friday, 2047: Whee #livejournal downtime halfway over. Pizza not baked yet. Debating movie choice.
- Friday, 2106: Did I link this earlier? Looks like Frank the Goat escaped from #LiveJournal and painted the town red. http://sfist.com/2010/01/19/goat_smashes_through_doors_of_palm.php
- Friday, 2137: Keep in mind #LiveJournal is likely to be slow until the cached stuff gets back up to speed.
- Friday, 2147: @luckygnahhh Planned for a week: http://community.livejournal.com/lj_maintenance/126912.html
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