- Thursday, 2356: Hello BART station. More crowded than I usually see it at this hour. Am I just early?
- Friday, 0106: @ursamajor Nah, another group. They're all kinds of fun.
- Friday, 0109: lgbtfest: Discworld: "Modern Love" by Penknife http://community.livejournal.com/lgbtfest/52579.html
- Friday, 0216: @ladyofthelog I miss the stuff that was lost from my Hotmail account. I have printouts of some, somewhere in my parents' house.
- Friday, 0229: @ladyofthelog That really sucks. :(
- Friday, 0230: Let's hear it for gluten allergy shout-outs on major network TV, incidentally.
- Friday, 0324: Reading Other People's Poetry (tyleet27) - Fic: Getting Educated (K/S) (NSFW) http://tyleet27.livejournal.com/32016.html
- Friday, 0530: LJ dev terminology (from the Moscow office) I find very useful: "guest" to describe non-journal-owner users in context of a journal.
- Friday, 1523: scraplove - Five Times Spock Thought Jim and Dr. McCoy Were in a Relationship and One Time They Set Him Straight http://scraplove.livejournal.com/14542.html
- Friday, 1542: @ZorkFox I used to win popularity contests by keeping a power strip in my laptop bag. Good times.
- Friday, 1544: @racheline_m I have always hated that website, and guess where I used to work? I may still be able to answer common questions.
- Friday, 1547: RT: @make_tips: If you're new to soldering, keep a glass of cold water by your soldering station in case of soldering iron burns. Really.
- Friday, 1548: @seananmcguire The obvious joke to make here is suggesting bran muffins and a massage, and I can rarely resist the bad puns. >_>
- Friday, 1558: 20 Nerd Commandments, including one by Drewface! http://www.toplessrobot.com/2010/01/the_20_nerd_commandments.php?page=1
- Friday, 1559: Tiller's murderer convicted: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2010/01/kansas_abortion_shooting_verdi.html
- Friday, 1603: Kitty: wet and cold feet: http://icanhascheezburger.com/2009/10/06/funny-pictures-wet-and-cold/
- Friday, 1639: seanan_mcguire: Velveteen vs. The Junior Super Patriots, West Coast Division. http://seanan-mcguire.livejournal.com/196343.html
- Friday, 1748: waketosleep | Is this... the end of the internet? (Merlin and Arthur are in Starfleet.) http://waketosleep.dreamwidth.org/22748.html?thread=296924#cmt296924
- Friday, 1931: raphaela667: Star Trek 2009, the AU where Jim is saving the whales, part I'm-not-sure http://raphaela667.dreamwidth.org/41895.html
- Friday, 2001: amadific | For Shadows to Fall, Light Must Shine http://amadific.dreamwidth.org/4473.html
- Friday, 2021: @ferretthimself I can. Feel free to point them at the Chocolate Dick Project entry if need be; it's public on Dreamwidth.
- Friday, 2022: @ferretthimself http://azurelunatic.dreamwidth.org/6303360.html
- Friday, 2143: How unique and trackable is your web browser? http://panopticlick.eff.org (my plugin fingerprint seems to be unique. Ooops)
- Friday, 2324: Trobadora - Fic: Balcony Scene (Doctor Who: Nine/Jack) [R] http://trobadora.livejournal.com/272461.html
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