- Friday, 0103: So first I saw @tantus Vamp & died laughing. Then I saw it @GoodVibesSF. Only strap on they sell that matches my skin tone. Dead of LOL.
- Friday, 0244: RT @dduane: Just a note for Middle Kingdoms series fans: e-book version of Door Into Shadow will be available starting tomorrow. http:// ...
- Friday, 0247: @oakandsage Shall we try and dinner again with @gameboyguy13 and @teshiron? (IDK if you and @tiferet93 know each other?)
- Friday, 0247: @semanticist I have shiny shiny little hairs, especially on the edge of one hand.
- Friday, 1043: @LiveJournal About 15 years, then I discovered the internet in the school library. ;)
- Friday, 1046: Writing Terms Defined at SF Novelists, by Jim C. Hines http://www.sfnovelists.com/2010/02/24/writing-terms-defined/
- Friday, 1047: @cadenzamuse Nope! I will eat the same thing a week at a time in a row. Of course I may be Slightly Odd.
- Friday, 1051: @omnivorously It probably would. This is the sparkly sex toy in question: http://tantusinc.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Product_Code=VAMP&Screen=PROD&Store_Code=TD
- Friday, 1052: @arkeiryn Isn't it an amazing bit of pop-culture-related scary scary marketing? But I really am almost that pale!
- Friday, 1204: How genetics works:
As information visualizations go, you can't get much better than this. Tags: genetics ... http://kottke.org/10/02/how-genetics-works - Friday, 1632: Ham and rice soup smells awesome.
- Friday, 1633: @seananmcguire And now it's sunny! (At least on the coast.) Got to love SF weather.
- Friday, 1634: OMG CANNOT MISS THIS. them= #s00j + Betsy Tinney RT: @seananmcguire: @borderlands_sf Psst -- Alexander James Adams is joining them!
- Friday, 1635: RT @nathanfhtagn: And for those who are curious: the mandolin's preamp is still bebuggered so I'm gonna use a microphone. Just like the ...
- Friday, 1637: @gameboyguy13 @teshiron and possibly @tiferet93: dinner with @oakandsage possibly Sunday evening?
- Friday, 1658: @tiferet93 Oh right, different names. Sithjawa.
- Friday, 1700: Walter Koenig warns to not ignore signs of depression: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1632704/20100225/story.jhtml ; thank you to the people who didn't ignore mine.
- Friday, 1718: @amberfoxfire Not sure whether that sounds more Christian or more BDSM.
- Friday, 1721: @amberfoxfire Pretty sure that was the designer's intent, but who cares about authorial intent anymore? ;) #postmodern #bdsm
- Friday, 1724: @gameboyguy13 Where is yet TBD, in the same general area as last year (Milpitas). Got ideas?
- Friday, 1735: @gameboyguy13 As always I am up for anything that has a non-walnut, non-banana, and hopefully non-green-pepper option.
- Friday, 2100: Intermission. Having the rare cheese fruit danish at @borderland_sf & Tricky Pixie is awesome.
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