- Thursday, 0132: http://tezurith.livejournal.com/2738.html tee hee heeeeeeeee. Fawkes/peacock!!
- Thursday, 0133: @Scatterbeams People create any old hashtag they feel like, whenever they want to. #likethis
- Thursday, 0135: @oakandsage That and I think that I don't probably want to be undergoing surgery at all, let alone from an underqualified one.
- Thursday, 0136: @Oglaf Perhaps a whiteboard with a tasteful curtain overtop?
- Thursday, 0143: to-read: http://noarrows.dreamwidth.org/29743.html
- Thursday, 0151: @CA_Young Though you can forward the plain-text notifications with impunity. (I dislike the current HTML notif behavior also.)
- Thursday, 0411: I've just snapped a new picture: http://dailybooth.com/u/22g5r
- Thursday, 0437: Thank you, @thingswithwings; I now have "James Bondage" in my head, where it is MUTATING MY SETS.
- Thursday, 0437: uh. Wrong @thingswithwings; I am thinking of a fangirl rather than an aviator. My apologies.
- Thursday, 0516: chamalla: Twilight fanvid - Kung-Fu Fighting :) (beverage warning) http://chamalla.livejournal.com/11501.html
- Thursday, 0522: thingswithwings | New Vid: James Bondage [Mythbusters, Jamie/Adam] (hoping they don't search this, *embarrassing*) http://thingswithwings.dreamwidth.org/87724.html
- Thursday, 0752: @afuna Wendy's french fries, in (chocolate) Frosty.
- Thursday, 0806: @MythBusters Robot Jamie?
- Thursday, 2140: @sarahreesbrenna Of course I do! It is not a proper story if I cannot read it again and still have it be good.
- Thursday, 2150: @zarhooie remind me to tell you about AK-47 Guy.
- Thursday, 2207: @teshiron Do I need to borrow a book from you when you are done?
- Thursday, 2209: @aellairene When they stop trying to control the whole woman connected to the reproductive system?
- Thursday, 2210: @handler Sounds like an excellent party then.
- Thursday, 2216: @Scatterbeams Exactly so! #screaming
- Thursday, 2218: @semanticist Oh, in your country is religion a *private* thing, not talked about much in public?
- Thursday, 2257: http://slog.thestranger.com/slog/archives/2010/03/02/meanwhile-in-texas-american-taliban-isnt-hyperbole-anymore JUST WHAT. Hey Amarillo, time to clean house!
- Thursday, 2300: Congratulations to the District of Columbia, US. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/04/us/04marriage.html
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