- Saturday, 0426: @druidsfire "Want to" doesn't always imply desperation to me; "need to" totally does; some people say "want to" and we know they mean need.
- Saturday, 0456: "Offensive lime" is a color. Really.
- Saturday, 0658: http://murnkay.livejournal.com/1585811.html Hilarious and accidentally profane 419 spam.
- Saturday, 0700: @nadyne And apparently sandwich shop recommendations are not a part of this healthy breakfast?
- Saturday, 0712: This is one of the best examples of a broody-growl I've seen on video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl91EfLkDXQ
- Saturday, 0731: sabinetzin | "Oh, What a Relief It Is" (Mythbusters RPF AU, wherein they're all in jail) http://sabinetzin.dreamwidth.org/211346.html
- Saturday, 0902: @seananmcguire Downtime is good, if you can take it. You have been running around like a velociraptor with its head cut off.
- Saturday, 1017: @ragnelldotorg OW OW OW OW
- Saturday, 1018: @ragnelldotorg And I've duly added them as NOT LUBE
- Saturday, 1019: @Celtic_Maenad Alas!
- Saturday, 1152: http://www.nature.com/news/2010/100310/full/news.2010.114.html BIRDY BIRDY BIRDY BIRDY (chicken sex is weird)
- Saturday, 1541: naamah_darling: On "getting help." (toxic memes related to depression & suicide vivisected for our pleasure) http://naamah-darling.livejournal.com/437140.html
- Saturday, 1617: @EllieMurasaki I don't suppose someone who wears that coat attends raves?
- Saturday, 1620: @phoenixdreaming Mixed bag. One of my old LJ associates used to; he was good. The 30 gig HD incident soured me on #Dell forever though.
- Saturday, 1621: @SaberGirl08 Do I know you?
- Saturday, 1804: @phoenixdreaming The '04 laptop's 40GB HD busted. Replaced under warranty, returned with 30GB HD. INCANDESCENT RAGE ensued. 40GB HD ensued.
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