In the last 24 hours, I posted the following to Twitter:
Follow me on Twitter.
- Wednesday, 0333: MONGEESE ARE SWARMING THE DATA CENTER; EVERY BEING FOR THEMSELVES (yes, @zarhooie, I am in fact in the Support Rewrite, why do you ask)
- Wednesday, 0341: Welcoming @xlerb to the twittering insanity.
- Wednesday, 0342: great! Now I have the clinking water glasses part of OK Go's "This Too Shall Pass" & "WHEN THE MORNING COMES" blaring in my head. #earworms
- Wednesday, 0409: I like a pair of long long legs as much as the next woman. *A* pair. 4 pair is excessive. #ecosysteminmyapartment #wackyarachnids
- Wednesday, 0416: Maybe I would have been happier as a monk.
- Wednesday, 1008: 10:05. So I have 5 bars in bed... Roaming.
- Wednesday, 1010: I see the recent wank has hit Writers Block. RT @LiveJournal: Fanfiction: Do you love it or hate it, or are you totally indifferent? Why?
- Wednesday, 1039: @ursamajor Ooo. Hey @gameboyguy13...
- Wednesday, 1040: @gameboyguy13 Oh, nonfree? :(
- Wednesday, 1409: @seananmcguire There are only so many hours in a day. Next step after this may be an assistant to do FAQ links & triage your email.
- Wednesday, 1619: @dckevin89 *defies gravity*
- Wednesday, 1639: Dear Bren Cameron, fences are rarely comfortable seating. Love, a reader.
- Wednesday, 1643: Facebook app should stop looking like flashlight app. #firstworldproblems
- Wednesday, 2209: @solcita OMG. Yeah. Post-reading external cheer recommended.
- Wednesday, 2238: @dckevin89 Most of my experience with gay men is with gay geeks, so Kurt's diva thing is amazingly alien.
- Wednesday, 2242: @dckevin89 Theatre men who bang women are 95% fucking divas too. I conclude this based on high school.
Follow me on Twitter.