In the last 24 hours, I posted the following to Twitter:
Follow me on Twitter.
- Thursday, 0022: @nadyne How do you survive to adulthood and escape that song?
- Thursday, 0023: @Hamface When you can, ping @zarhooie? She has been looking for you.
- Thursday, 0039: Okay, so it is a very unsophisticated AI, but it still amuses me to win against the computer at Zilch.
- Thursday, 0451: @mishacollins - That's ... an amazing piece of clothing. Reminds me of my dad, who threatened to wear beige spande
- Thursday, 0502: I'm Gaga in the head: Paparazzi is looping. #earworms
- Thursday, 1000: @dckevin89 I have taken to putting caffiene pills with my morning St. John's Wort.
- Thursday, 1001: @jonathancoulton Piece of chewed gum as putty? Though the cold will make it fragile.
- Thursday, 1031: @legomymalfoy Ooo yay! I keep wanting blue.
- Thursday, 1042: RT @popelizbet: "Every time some producer claims a show isn't [SF] while standing in front of a huge spaceship set, baby robot Jesus cri ...
- Thursday, 1043: RT @LushLtd: We're fancying a competition today! Retweet this status before 7pm BST today and we will choose five people to win some @Lu ...
- Thursday, 1043: @loopylisa93 The very one!
- Thursday, 1049: Bad plan to mug a guy outside a dojo. Via @shadesong
- Thursday, 1321: @twittinesis Looks like usernames with punctuation after them don't get linkified.
- Thursday, 1416: I am not exactly sure what is going on in the frying pan, but it should taste good when it's done.
- Thursday, 1429: @teshiron bacon grease, mushrooms, potatoes, garlic salt, green onion, asparagus, fried sausage, with cheese/avocado/peas to come later.
- Thursday, 1559: @Shirozora OMG CANNOT UNSEE
- Thursday, 1601: @rawstatic Oh, is chili sauce good on instant noodles? I may have to try that. #rejectthebreakfastfoodtyranny
- Thursday, 1621: Technically, the tales of Frank and Meme are probably canon, coming as they do from the authorized source.
- Thursday, 1908: The Water Bubbler #lesserbooks (by the author of @samuraiko's contribution, Atlas Sat.)
- Thursday, 1912: The Journey to the Uh... Thattaway #lesserbooks
- Thursday, 1918: James and the Big Nectarine #lesserbooks
- Thursday, 1919: 1983 #lesserbooks
- Thursday, 1919: @skramer *tries hard*
- Thursday, 1921: Memoirs of a Stripper #lesserbooks
- Thursday, 1926: Nervousness and Distaste in Chloride, NV #lesserbooks
- Thursday, 1930: The Life of e #lesserbooks
- Thursday, 1933: Love's Labour Temporarily Misplaced #lesserbooks
- Thursday, 2344: @donttrythis I have passed my human test. One more excellent story for "the internet saves lives" collection.
- Thursday, 2351: @donttrythis And in the more-knowledge-is-good dept, if a twitter user's life's in danger, @ an on-duty employee; LJ, file Abuse request.
Follow me on Twitter.